• Schoolwires F.A.Q.

    Click on question to open/close answer.

    What are Directors and Editors?
    Within Schoolwires, there are Site Admins, Sub-Site Directors, Channel Directors, Section Editors, and Hompage Editors. Each one has different editing privileges within the school site or the district site.
    Do I need to sign in to use the site?
    No. Signing in is for those who are editing the site, unless the page has restricted viewers set on it which only allows a specific group or person to see the content, then you will need to be signed in to view that restricted page.
    What happens if I do not see the channel tabs?
    If you have been upgraded recently to Windows 7, in IE 7 go to Tools....Compatibility View Settings and make sure k12.fl.us is added.
    If this is not the case, you may want to check the screen size. If you are set at 100% and you can not see the Channels, then resize your screen to 75%.
    How do I add an Alert Message to our website?
    The Alert Message area must contain an Announcment App. An announcement needs to be created with the following text: [ALERT] Message Text. You can create several different types of Alert Messages and just deactivate those that you do not want to appear. If no message are active, that section will be hidden.
    What is the "For EMERGENCIES!" announcement?
    In case of an Emergency at your school, contact the District about the emergency and then activate the announcement. They will update the page that is linked to in your emergency announcement. This way you do not have to worry about what information to put out to the public.
    Where do I go to Check Spam / Archiver?
    Click on the LCS Employees tab and expand LCS Webmail Access.
    Why does my Multimedia Rotator not work on my page?
    The Multimedia Rotator App only works on the homepage.
    Why does my Headline & Features App not show correctly?
    You have to show the app name for this to work correctly. This is under options when you are editing the app
    How do I add the Multimedia Rotator on homepages?
    1. Sign in to the site / Select Site Manager
    2. Under the Summary tab and current pages, click Homepage
    3. In the Actions panel on the right side, click Manage Apps & Layout
    4. Click Add App and select the Multimedia Rotator
    5. Drag and drop this app into Region B and Click "I'm Done".
    How do I add photos/video to the Multimedia Rotator on homepages?
    1. Sign in to the site / Select Site Manager
    2. Under the Summary tab and current pages, click Homepage
    3. Click "Multimedia Rotator"
    4. Click New Record and add photo/video
    5. Here you'll also be able to add links, titles, and captions.
    How do I upload logos and apply them?
    1. Sign in to the site / Select Site Manager
    2. Click Templates under Configure
    3. Click "Files & Folders"
    4. Upload logos to proper logos folder
    5. Click "Sites" under Configure
    6. Choose your site>Advanced>Green "change" button
    7. Under template options in the left column you can choose new logo
    How do I change colors?
    1. Sign in to the site / Select Site Manager
    2. Click "Sites" under Configure
    3. Click your sites>Advanced>Green "Change" button
    4. Use the left column to choose your colors (primary, secondary, and accent under template options)
    How do I add links in Footer?
    1. Sign in to the site / Select Site Manager
    2. Click "Sites" under Configure
    3. Click your sites>Advanced>Green "Change" button
    4. Use Social media Icons section to edit the social icons in footer
    5. Use Footer links Section 1-4 to edit quick links in footer
    How do I create the Headlines & Features Rotator?
    1. Sign in to the site / Select Site Manager
    2. Click "Sites" under Configure
    3. Click your sites>Advanced>Green "Change" button
    4. Use Social media Icons section to edit the social icons in footer
    5. Use Footer links Section 1-4 to edit quick links in footer
    How do I add Instagram and Twitter feed?
    1. I recommend using the official Twitter widget and for Instagram I recommend using http://snapwidget.com/ .
    2. After you've copied the code for these widgets, you'll want to add and Embed Code app into regions G and H.
    3. Paste the Instagram code into the embed code app in region G
    4. paste the Twitter code into the app in region H
Last Modified on October 17, 2016