Leon County Schools District Media Center facilitates the teaching-learning process by providing equitable access to resources and services for the instructional needs of students and educators.
The program establishes cooperative partnerships with teachers and other educators to enhance curriculum development and implementation by providing resources and technical support. The program encourages planning with the schools, the district and the community to establish the most effective use of current and emerging media and technology resources.
As diverse as our services are, our activities touch the lives of teachers, students and community in Leon County Schools on a daily basis. We hope your tour of our website will encourage you to take advantage of what we have to offer the educational community.
Our Lab
Our computer lab is available for all types of workshops, professional development, and for Teacher use.
Howell Center 3955 W Pensacola St. Bldg 4, Tallahassee, FL 8:30am - 4:30pm M-F