Frequently Asked Questions

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) @ Leon County Schools

    Welcome to our FAQ section! These questions are made available to help you work your way through some of the most common questions that users ask on a regular basis. If you are not able to find your question in this list, please contact the Help desk at Thank you and we hope you are enjoying the new Employee Access portal!

    What is Employee Access?  

    Employee Access allows employees to view their own Account Payables, Employee Information, Payroll Information (Check Pay Stubs), Check Estimator, Calendar YTD Totals, Direct Deposit, W2 form, W4 form and Time Off Information.

    What are some of the Employee Access basic functionalities? 

    Answer:View Employee Information, Payroll and Time Off Status. Employee has the ability to print copies of checks, W2 and W4. Run Check Estimator to see if you need to make adjustments to your W4.

    Are there any instructions on how to use Employee Access?

    Answer: Under the DISTNEWS section view the Employee Access video from the HOME page.

    How do I log onto SKYWARD Web?

    Answer: Access the Leon County Schools Home Web page. Click on the “EMPLOYEES” tab, and then click on “SKYWARD WEB” which is located near the bottom of the page. Logon to SKYWARD with your Network Id and Password.

    How do I navigate to Employee Access?  

    Answer: There are two ways to navigate to Employee Access. If Employee Access is the only system a user has access to in Skyward, then the first screen will be the “Employee Access HOME Page”. If an employee has security to more than one system in Skyward, they will need to click on the top right side section called “Jump to Other Systems”. From here the user can click on Employee Access. 

    How do I make changes to my personal information? 

    Answer: At this time, no changes are allowed through SKYWARD per employee request. Employee Access is in “View Only” mode. In the future, the Request Changes options will be turned on.

    How do I setup FAVORITE short cuts?  

    Answer: Instructions to setup “My Favorites” short cuts. All FAVORITES are saved under the HOME Page–“My Favorites”.
    i. From any Web page you can setup a FAVORITE.
    ii. Click on the GOLD in middle of the top right side of the page.
    iii. From the dropdown, click on the plus (+) symbol and you will notice a prompt to name the short cut. For example, click on “Checks” Web page and rename short cut to “Check Pay Stubs” then click OK.
    iv. Return to the HOME Page and now you will see “Check Pay Stubs” short cut was recorded under My Favorites.

    How do I view my deductions?  

    Answer: Pull up a recent check to review your current deductions.

    How does a change in deduction  affect my pay check? 

    Answer: When a change in your deductions is applied either after Open Enrollment or by Payroll or Enrollment Services during the year, a deduction will reduce your take home pay. To verify a deduction change, go to the Employee InformationPayrollChecks tab. From here choose a check date to verify the deduction was applied correctly. If the deduction is incorrect, please contact either Enrollment Services or Payroll.

    What is “My Print Queue”? 

    Answer: SKYWARD routes all printouts to an internal virtual printer called “My Print Queue”. Every employee will have their own print queue. To view printout, notice “My Print Queue” from the Employee Access HOME Page.

    How do I print checks?   

    Answer: - Procedures to print a copy of a check.
    i. Go to PAYROLLS  Check History.
    ii. Select and click on a date of the specific check that you would like to print.
    iii. Click on “Show Check” on the RIGHT SIDE of the screen.
    iv. Click PRINT. This print will route a copy of the check to “My Print Queue”.
    v. There are two ways to view “My Print Queue”. You can go back to the HOME Page or in the middle top right of the screen is “My Print Queue”. Click on “My Print Queue” to view the re-printed check.
    vi. Next click on PRINT button and this will route all print out puts to your local printer.

    What if I don’t have a Network log on ID?  

    Answer: Employee must contact their local Tech Con to setup their Network ID and Password.  Subs will be given access and their credentials after they complete their paperwork with the district.

    If I don’t have access to a computer, how can I get to Employee Access 

    Employee Access is accessible from any computer that you can view the Leon County Schools Home Page. From there click on the “EMPLOYEES” tab and then select “SKYWARD Web”. This will display a SKYWARD log on screen. A kiosk computer is setup in your office area for any employee to access the Internet.
Last Modified on September 7, 2014