The Partners for Excellence Program

  •  The Partners for Excellence Program was established in 1984 as a collaboration between the Tallahassee Area Chamber of Commerce and Leon County Schools. Its aim is to promote and facilitate cooperative relationships between schools, businesses, agencies, and organizations in the community. The goal is to combine their respective talents and resources to provide the best possible education for the children of Leon County.


    School District Staff Representative:


    The Leon County School Board employs this staff member to oversee the district's Partners for Excellence Program. Their responsibilities include:


    - Providing training and support for school-based partner coordinators

    - Recommending business and school partners

    - Creating materials for the program, such as training manuals and contracts

    - Maintaining an official list of school partners for the district

    - Documenting school and district partnerships for reporting purposes

    - Implementing the program according to guidelines

    - Publicizing partnership activities

    - Monitoring the program's success from the school district's perspective

    - Coordinating district-wide volunteer, partner, and mentor recognition events

Partners in Excellence Contact

    Email completed forms to 
    Eric Clark
    Executive Director
    Foundation for Leon County Schools 
    Stacey Turknett
    Executive Assistant
    Professional, Intervention & Community Services
    Partners for Excellence 
    Phone: 850.487.7177