- Leon County Schools
- ESE District Advisory Council
Exceptional Student Education (ESE)
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- Transition-L.I.T.E.
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The Exceptional Student Education District Advisory Council (ESE DAC) is committed to enhancing the quality of instructional, educational, social and employment services and opportunities and supporting students with diverse needs, their families and schools.
The primary objective of this committee will be to serve in an advisory capacity on those matters that affect the schools, students and the community.
The ESE DAC is made up of no more than 25 voting members who reflect the diversity of the community and exceptional education population, and who are involved in, or concerned with, the education of students with disabilities.
The current ESE DAC was formed during the 2019-2020 school year through the combined efforts of the LCS ESE Department and interested parents, agencies, the Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System (FDLRS), and the Family Network on Disabilities (FND).
Click here for the ESE DAC bylaws.
Check the main ESE Website for meeting dates and times.