The ABC’s of ESE: Understanding Exceptional Student Education Acronyms



    ASL: American Sign Language

    AT:  Assistive Technology

    BIP: Behavior Intervention Plan

    EC:  Early Childhood

    EOC: End of Course

    EP: Educational Plan (Gifted)

    ESE: Exceptional Student Education

    ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages

    ESY: Extended School Year

    FAA: Florida Alternative Assessment

    FAPE: Free & Appropriate Education

    FBA: Functional Behavior Assessment

    FERPA: Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act

    FLDOE: Florida Department of Education

    FSA: Florida Standards Assessment

    GED: General Equivalancy Diploma

    Gen Ed:General Education

    IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act

    IEP: Individualized Education Plan

    IQ: Intelligence Quotient

    K-12: Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade

    LEA: Local Education Agency

    LEP: Limited English Proficient

    LRE: Least Restricted Environment

    MTSS: Multi-Tiered System of Supports

    OSEP: Office of Special Education

    OT: Occupational Therapy or Therapist

    PBS: Positive Behavioral Supports

    PLOP: Present Levels of Performance

    PT: Physical Therapy or Therapist

    PST: Problem-Solving Team

    PM: Progress Monitoring

    RtI: Response to Intervention

    RtIB: Response to Intervention for Behavior

    SLP: Speech & Language Therapist

    SP: Service Plan (for home school or private school)

    SPED: Special Education

    SSS: Sunshine State Standard Voc Ed: Vocational Education



    ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder

    DD: Developmental Delay

    DHH: Deaf or Hard of Hearing

    DSI: Dual-Sensory Impairments

    EBD: Emotional/ Behavioral Disability

    HH: Hospital/Homebound

    InD: Intellectual Disabilities

    LI: Language Impairment

    OHI: Other Health Impairment

    OI: Orthopedically Impaired

    SLD: Specific Learning Disabilities 

    SI: Speech Impairment

    TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury

    VI: Visual Impairment

Last Modified on October 30, 2019