- Leon County Schools
- Students & Parents
- Substance Use and Abuse Prevention K-12
Substance Use and Abuse Prevention Activities
Clearing the Air: A Be Vape Free Virtual Field Trip
Join us for a real-world virtual learning opportunity to get the facts on the vaping epidemic. Students will gain powerful insights as several teenagers share their firsthand experiences of successfully avoiding e-cigarettes, learn how to think critically about everyday influences like advertising and social media, pick up effective refusal skills and debunk common myths with a health professional. Be sure to share this important virtual learning experience with your students, as those who use e-cigarettes are at increased risk of complications from respiratory illnesses like COVID-19!
Grades K-5:
Wise Owl’s Drug Safety Kit
https://dcmp.org/series/149-wise-owl-s-drug-safety-kitYour Body, Your Health and Drugs
https://dcmp.org/media/12584-your-body-your-health-and-drugsGrades 6-12:
EVERFI: Alcohol Education Prevention & Prescription Drug Safety
** Students can complete these courses at home by going to Classlink and using the EVERFI tile.
Florida Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data