Kindergarten Promotion Information

  • Student Progression

    Florida Statute requires that all school districts establish and communicate expectations for levels of student performance in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies at each grade level. These levels of performance are used to identify students who have mastered content as well as those students who may need targeted instructional support. Please review the information provided below to determine how student performance is measured and how students can achieve promotion to first grade. No student may be assigned to a grade level based on age or other factors that constitute social promotion or administrative placement [§1008.25(6)(a), Florida Statute]. It is important to note that meeting or exceeding performance expectations is the sole measure for promotion.


    Letter Grades

    Leon County Schools sets expectations for each area of study based on the standards established by the State of Florida. You can access the state standards at  Schools use all available data, including progress monitoring, to determine promotion eligibility. Student performance on grade-appropriate, standards-based learning is represented by letter grades. These grades are not based on a student’s work at his/her own instructional level but instead reflect the student’s performance based on the standards established by the State. Satisfactory progress of these standards is an indicator of student proficiency. Quantifying student performance ensures that students are continually monitored for academic progress throughout the school year. Instruction is adjusted accordingly to help students reach their fullest potential. Letter grades and their values are listed below:


    A  - 90% proficiency

    B  - 80% proficiency

    C  - 70% proficiency

    N  - 69% proficiency or below


    A student working below grade level or repeatedly earning a grade of “N” on the Student Progress Report Card is in danger of not meeting expectations for promotion to the next grade level and may be retained.


    To assist students and parents in the transition to kindergarten, letter grades will not appear on report cards for kindergarten students at the end of the first nine weeks. Parents will attend a conference with the teacher to discuss their child’s academic progress.  Following this initial conference, letter grades will appear on subsequent report cards to be distributed at the end of each grading period.


    Minimum Kindergarten Expectations

    • Master each Florida Standard at 70% or greater in all core content areas taught.
    • Attain a grade equivalent (GE) score of 1.0 by the end of the year on an individualized assessment in the subjects of English Language Arts and math.
    • Exhibit letter and sound fluency equal to kindergarten end-of-year expectations.


Last Modified on February 22, 2022