- Leon County Schools
- EDEP Guidelines
Extended Day and Payments
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ELIGIBILITY AND ENROLLMENT: Extended Day Enrichment Program participants must be school age and meet the basic entry-level criteria in the areas of self-care, communication, mobility and social-emotional development. All participants must complete the Extended Day Enrichment Program registration form prior to participation.
PAYMENTS AND FEES: Fees are to be paid in full by the appropriate due date each cycle. If this is not financially feasible, participants must pay the drop in rate each day of participation. No other method of fee payment has been approved. All payments made after the program’s due date must include a $10.00 late payment fee. Children will not be permitted to attend the EDEP program each cycle until payment is received. All monies received for payments must be in the form of check or money order (payable to Leon County Schools), or via credit/debit card using the LCSB EDEP payment portal. No cash will be accepted.
ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: For the safety and well-being of participants, each child MUST be signed in and out either by a parent/guardian, or another adult authorized in writing by the custodial parent. Parents who have legal documentation limiting the rights of one parent’s access to the child must provide these documents to the EDEP program. Parent access to a child will not be denied without a copy of a court order. If there are concerns in which we need to be aware, please arrange to meet privately with the EDEP program manager.
LATE PICKUP FEES: Your child must be picked up by 6:00 pm at the LATEST. Otherwise, a late fee of $1 per minute will be assessed. All fees assessed for late pick up must be paid prior to the start of the next cycle. If a child has not been picked up by 7:00pm, LCS Safety and Security office or the school’s resource officer will be contacted for assistance.
RETURN CHECKS: Returned checks are processed through the LCSB District Office. If your check is returned unpaid, the finance department will attempt to redeposit a second time. In the event your check is returned again, the district office will send it to the school’s EDEP manager for collection. You will be notified and a return check fee of $20 will be assessed, and services will be suspended until payment is made. If two checks are returned unpaid in a single school year, parents will be required to pay by money order for the remainder of the year.
REFUNDS: No refunds are permitted after the first week of participation, except for documented cases of prolonged illness (two weeks or longer) or family relocation. No refunds will be allowed for any reason on money received for summer camp, activity fees or registration fees. Refunds must be requested in writing.
SNACKS: Nutritious snacks are provided in the Before School and Afterschool programs. Lunch is not provided on full days, such as summer camp and activity days, unless otherwise stated. Parents/guardian must provide their child with a lunch on these days.
DISCIPLINE: To achieve the goal of providing quality enrichment activities for children in an environment of cooperation and respect, positive discipline practices are utilized by all members of the Extended Day staff. These policies and practices are consistent with and conform to the school’s discipline policy. If normal discipline practices such as non-punitive interaction, redirection and time-out do not facilitate the appropriate behavior, parents of students requiring special attention will be asked to join us in a conference to discuss and assist in implementing measures to assure appropriate behavior and allow continued program participation. If a student chooses not to, or cannot, demonstrate appropriate behavior within the program, the behavior will be interpreted to mean that the student does not have either the faculty or desire to participate in the program. At such time, the student will leave the program at the request of the Extended Day Enrichment Program Coordinator. Should it be deemed that the participant is capable, but chooses not to behave in an appropriate manner, no refund will be given.
PROJECT CARE SCHOLARSHIPS: Children who qualify for free or reduced lunch may receive a subsidy to the extent funds are available. Space is limited and scholarships are provided on a first come, first served basis. See your school’s EDEP manager for details.
ILLNESS/MEDICATION: Should a child become ill while participating in the Extended Day Enrichment Program, parents will be contacted to pick up the child. No child may be dismissed from the school’s clinic to attend the After School Program. Whenever a child is to be given prescription or over-the-counter medicine during EDEP hours, the parents must provide a separate Medication Authorization Form to the EDEP program. All medications must be provided in the original container, labeled with the student's name, name of the medication, and the time and exact dosage to be given.
INSURANCE: Leon County Schools EDEP does not carry accident insurance on its participants. It is the parent’s responsibility to carry adequate accident insurance. Such a policy is available through Leon County Schools. Check with your school’s secretary for an application.