- Leon County Schools
- Professional Learning
Academic Services Weekly
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Professional Learning Blog
Weekly Updates
Connecting Research and Practice Using High Impact Data for Educational Equity
Posted by Susan Walden on 12/1/2020 11:30:00 AM“Connecting Research and Practice Using High Impact Data for Educational Equity” (December 2, 2020,3:30pm-4:30pm EST)
Held in partnership with The REL Southeast Post-Secondary Success at HBCUs Partnerships and the Florida A&M University College of Education present “Connecting Research & Practice Using High Impact Data for Educational Equity” featuring Dr. Ivory Toldson. For registration information and further details, review the flyer here.
FAMU Virtual Recruitment and Scholarship Event
Posted by Susan Walden on 10/25/2020 6:00:00 PMThe CAFS Office of Recruitment, Student Support, and Alumni Affairs has created a comprehensive recruitment event, which is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 29, 2020. The speakers are Dean (Robert Taylor), Commissioner (William Proctor), Vice President for Student Affairs (Dr. Williams Hudson, Jr.), Head Football Coach (Willie Simmons), Office of Financial Aid (Ms. Carita Evans), Miss FAMU (Ericka Johnson), and the world-renowned Marching 100 (Dr. Shelby Chipman), the Office of Recruitment Student Support and Alumni Representatives (Dr. Verian Thomas, Ms. Shanteva Leonard, AG Ambassadors and Ms. Taquasha Freeman) to showcase the amazing opportunities that we have at FAMU.
Review the flyer HERE for more information and a registration link.
October 19 - Update
Posted by Shane Syfrett on 10/19/2020Academic Services Weekly Update October 18, 2020
Professional Learning Opportunities and Meetings Calendar, October 19 - October 30, 2020
Unless otherwise noted, meetings are virtual and hosted through the Microsoft TEAMS application or Zoom.
For further details of digital meetings, please contact the appropriate instructional-area developer or coordinator as listed on the Professional Learning website.
Monday, 10/19
Tuesday, 10/20
Wednesday, 10/21
Thursday, 10/22
Friday, 10/23
- A Virtual Innovative Mindset Professional Development Workshop (4:15PM-6:15PM)
- October Beginning Teacher Program Meeting (4:30PM-6:00PM)
- SRD Help Session for Elementary Reading Coaches (9:00AM-10:00AM)
- Early Interventions in Reading (12:30PM-3:30PM)
- Using Depth and Complexity to Raise Thinking Levels (4:30PM-6:30PM)
- Reading Mastery K-2 (9:00AM-3:00PM)
- SRD Help Session for Elementary Reading Coaches (3:00PM-4:00PM)
Monday 10/26
Tuesday 10/27
Wednesday 10/28
Thursday 10/29
Friday 10/30
- Imagine Math PD (10:30AM-12:00PM)
- PLA October Q&A Help Session (2:00PM-5:00PM
- Seeing Stars Training (11:00AM-3:30PM)
- Seeing Stars Training (11:00AM-3:30PM)
LCS Canvas for Administrators (9:00AM-10:30AM)
Professional Learning Information and Announcements
NEW** Initial Imagine Math PD-Overview for ELL Coordinators and ELL Teachers
Monday, October 26th form 10:30-12:00
Register on Leon LEADS, Course # 24540, Section # 29761
NEW**SRD Help Sessions for Elementary Reading Coaches
Tuesday, 10/20 9:00 – 10:00 https://leonschools-net.zoom.us/j/98963045309
Thursday, 10/22 3:00 – 4:00 https://leonschools-net.zoom.us/j/95690319156
NEW**Teacher Q&A Help Session Schedule and Links
On the November 2, 2020 planning day the Office of Professional Learning is happy to be able to support our teachers with drop-in Q&A help sessions via Zoom. Click HERE to find the schedule availability for our Curriculum Developer team and links to reach them during their open Q&A hours. We are here to help you brainstorm, answer questions, and listen to your needs!
NEW**Updated Schedule of Reading Endorsement Courses
Review the new schedule of course offerings available here.
NEW**Guided Mindfulness Series from Empowering Education
To register for this series, visit the sign-up site here.
NEW**FDLRS Collaborative Teaching Course November Offering
Review the flyer and sign up here.
Upcoming Events for Beginning Teachers
If you are a first-year teacher in the LCS College of Ed (COE) or Professional Educator Competency (PEC) program, or a mentor to someone in one of these programs, we are pleased to announce the following events in the month of October! If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Titze (titzej@leonschools.net).
- October Beginning Teacher Meeting- 10/20/2020 4:30-6:00
FSU Virtual Science Collaborative
Need support navigating the challenges of teaching science virtually? Want to learn with others, share your experiences, and access materials and resources to help you navigate this new science education frontier? Check out the flyer here for more details.
A Virtual Innovative Mindset Professional Development Workshop – October 20th and October 27th 4:15-6:15 (you must be able to attend both sessions) Course #25188
In partnership with the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Leon County Schools will be providing a two-part virtual professional development workshop. Designed to provide you with valuable strategies and instructional methods you will be immersed in an interactive and hands-on experience with all materials provided. Whether you are instructing face-to-face or virtual you will go away with new tools and ideas to inspire and engage your students to build creative confidence and instill an innovative mindset.
Using Depth and Complexity to Raise Thinking Levels (virtual training for elementary teachers who have gifted students in their class)- October 22nd, November 19th, and January 21st 4:30-6:30 (you must be able to attend all 3 sessions) Course # 25189
Looking for the Swiss army knife of differentiation? Join us as the Gifted Guru and author, Lisa Savangemert, will present a three-part course that shares how you can use the Depth and Complexity model to raise thinking levels of your students with the lesson plans you already have and the content you're already using. You'll learn real strategies that work with real students for in-person and virtual instruction.
LCTA Professional Development Opportunities
For information on the upcoming exciting LCTA PD opportunities coming this year, please review the flyer HERE.
i-Ready Q&A Sessions
Please join Erin Richardson for i-Ready Information Sessions and Q&A on Friday, October 30, 2020. Feel free to join any 30-minute session that fits your schedule! Have questions about i-Ready or your data?...just stay on the line after your 30-minute session for Q&A. Erin will introduce you to i-Ready's (new) enhanced reporting to help diagnose unfinished learning and support instruction to prioritize progress towards proficiency. For times and access information, see below.
- 8:00-8:30 (8:30-9:00 optional Q&A)
- 9:00-9:30 (9:30-10:00 optional Q&A)
- 10:00-10:30 (10:30 optional Q&A)
- 11:00-11:30 (11:30 optional Q&A)
- 1:00-1:30 (1:30 optional Q&A)
- 2:00-2:30 (2:30 optional Q&A)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
Access Code: 829-563-589______________________________________________________________________________
LCS Clinical Educator Training Fall 2020
This course is intended for teachers interested in becoming trained as a Clinical Educator. LEADS Sign-up and course details HERE.
ESE Curriculum and Instruction Personalized Assistance and Exemplars
ESE teachers struggling with Canvas, Zoom, Teams, or other ESE Curriculum and Instruction issues, please email fulaterc@leonschools.net to set up appointments for help. Additionally, please feel free to check out the new resource under the Digital Academy tab on the ESE Resources page, our Canvas Showcase. Leon County ESE teachers share their courses and the awesome things they are doing in Canvas.
Developing Quality IEPs Virtual Training
Please review the flyer here for more details. ESE teachers who have not previously had this training should take these sessions.
Training Opportunities for Non-Instructional Personnel
LCS Non-Instructional Personnel can now sign up for several self-paced professional learning opportunities directly in LEADS. For a full schedule of courses available, please review the document here.
Need to Use the Howell Building Production Room?
Sign-up is required to ensure social distancing. Please reserve your spot HERE before you come out! We look forward to assisting you!
Popular Links
FLVS Teacher Resources Including Answer Keys
NEW—To gain access to the FLVS Content Teacher Resources including supplemental powerpoints, discussion-based assessments, accessibility guides, and answer keys, complete the privacy statement in the forms here https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2yopaSqnN0WqJNZ6b1ZCvAW-JyxCSrdHvEmIHpM1--pUMEpUS0dGUjFFRk1WM0FPOTBGSlY0Qzg0Ni4u.
At the end of the privacy statement, you will be provided with a link to an LCS Sharepoint site that contains the FLVS resources for all courses. Please utilize these resources with caution and be sure to keep them secure. Please note that some courses and grade level materials include ONLY answer keys.
ESE Curriculum Services Digital Academy Resources and Support
Now available online here and on the Digital Teacher Academy page from Professional Learning.
ESE Curriculum and Instructional Support Resource Page
Available HERE. This page features webinars and PD related to curricular support for ESE teachers and their students. For questions or additional information, contact Christy Fulater (fulaterc@leonschools.net)/
WFSU/PBS Media Resources for Distance Learning
The WFSU weekly broadcast schedule is now available via the following link: https://wfsu.org/education/curriculum-related-programming/, and there are resources for all subject areas and grades aligned to the Florida Standards available at https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/. For a brief tutorial on using the resources available from PBS Learning Media, check out this video as well. For Other PBS Instructional Resources, CLICK HERE!
Social/Emotional Learning and Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainings
Social & Emotional Learning
- SEL Basic (Keeth Matheny)
Register on Leon LEADS; Course #: 24826 - October 30, 2020
REPEAT SESSIONS: #3 (8:30-11:30AM) & # 4 (12:30-3:30PM)
- Sanford Harmony – A social emotional learning program for PK-5 grade students. (https://www.sanfordharmony.org/) Teachers must create a FREE account to access material.
- Sanford Monthly Webinars - https://online.sanfordharmony.org/harmony-calendar/
- Sanford Harmony On-Demand Video Training Videos - https://online.sanfordharmony.org/on-demand-training/
- Sanford Inspire– On-demand courses and resources designed to support social emotional learning and inspiration instruction in the PK-5 classroom. https://www.sanfordinspire.org/
- Florida School Personnel Mental Health Awareness Training (https://florida.kognito.com/)
Mental Health Awareness
The following are FLDOE approved youth suicide awareness and prevention training for K12 instructional personnel per s. 1012.583, F.S., and 6A-4.0010, F.A.C.: (ONLY ONE COURSE REQUIRED PER YEAR)
- ACT on FACTS – 2019-2020 National Version – 2-hour online
- Jason Foundation: Professional Development Series – Module 5, “Youth Suicide: A Silent Epidemic” – 2-hour online
- Jason Foundation: Professional Development Series – Module 2, Mental Health Issues Surrounding Suicidal Ideation - 2-
Additional Trainings
- Updated Weekly on SEL Website (https://www.leonschools.net/Page/49614)
For all trainings, submit completion certificates to:
Tonja Fitzgerald (fitzgeraldt@leonschools.net) or
Ashley Anderson (andersona5@leonschools.net)
October 12 Weekly
Posted by Shane Syfrett on 10/12/2020Academic Services Weekly Update October 11, 2020
Professional Learning Opportunities and Meetings Calendar, October 12 - October 23, 2020
Unless otherwise noted, meetings are virtual and hosted through the Microsoft TEAMS application or Zoom.
For further details of digital meetings, please contact the appropriate instructional-area developer or coordinator as listed on the Professional Learning website.
Monday, 10/12
Tuesday, 10/13
Wednesday, 10/14
Thursday, 10/15
Friday, 10/16
- Secondary Math Department Meeting (3:00PM-5:30PM)
- Media Specialist Monthly Meeting (3:30PM-5:00PM)
- Science Department Chair Meeting (4:00PM-5:00PM)
- Beginning Teacher Mentor Orientation (New Mentors; 4:30PM-5:30PM)
- Beginning Teacher Mentor Orientation (Veteran Mentors; 5:30PM-6:00PM)
Principal’s Meeting (8:30AM)
APC Meeting (8:30AM)
Monday 10/19
Tuesday 10/20
Wednesday 10/21
Thursday 10/22
Friday 10/23
- A Virtual Innovative Mindset Professional Development Workshop (4:15PM-6:15PM)
- October Beginning Teacher Program Meeting (4:30PM-6:00PM)
Early Interventions in Reading (12:30PM-3:30PM)
- Using Depth and Complexity to Raise Thinking Levels (4:30PM-6:30PM)
- Reading Mastery K-2 (9:00AM-3:00PM)
Professional Learning Information and Announcements
NEW*** FSU Virtual Science Collaborative
Need support navigating the challenges of teaching science virtually? Want to learn with others, share your experiences, and access materials and resources to help you navigate this new science education frontier? Check out the flyer here for more details.
A Virtual Innovative Mindset Professional Development Workshop – October 20th and October 27th 4:15-6:15 (you must be able to attend both sessions) Course #25188
In partnership with the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Leon County Schools will be providing a two-part virtual professional development workshop. Designed to provide you with valuable strategies and instructional methods you will be immersed in an interactive and hands-on experience with all materials provided. Whether you are instructing face-to-face or virtual you will go away with new tools and ideas to inspire and engage your students to build creative confidence and instill an innovative mindset.
Using Depth and Complexity to Raise Thinking Levels (virtual training for elementary teachers who have gifted students in their class)- October 22nd, November 19th, and January 21st 4:30-6:30 (you must be able to attend all 3 sessions) Course # 25189
Looking for the Swiss army knife of differentiation? Join us as the Gifted Guru and author, Lisa Savangemert, will present a three-part course that shares how you can use the Depth and Complexity model to raise thinking levels of your students with the lesson plans you already have and the content you're already using. You'll learn real strategies that work with real students for in-person and virtual instruction.
Tier 3 Reading Intervention Trainings
10/21 Early Interventions in Reading, Virtual, 12:30-3:30-LEADS Course # 25204
10/22 Reading Mastery K-2, Virtual, 9:00 am-3:00 pm-LEADS Course #25207
10/27, 10/29, 11/4 Seeing Stars, Virtual, 11:00 am- 3:30 pm *must attend all three days-LEADS Course #25206
LCTA Professional Development Opportunities
For information on the upcoming exciting LCTA PD opportunities coming this year, please review the flyer HERE.
i-Ready Q&A Sessions
Please join Erin Richardson for i-Ready Information Sessions and Q&A on Friday, October 30, 2020. Feel free to join any 30-minute session that fits your schedule! Have questions about i-Ready or your data?...just stay on the line after your 30-minute session for Q&A. Erin will introduce you to i-Ready's (new) enhanced reporting to help diagnose unfinished learning and support instruction to prioritize progress towards proficiency. For times and access information, see below.
- 8:00-8:30 (8:30-9:00 optional Q&A)
- 9:00-9:30 (9:30-10:00 optional Q&A)
- 10:00-10:30 (10:30 optional Q&A)
- 11:00-11:30 (11:30 optional Q&A)
- 1:00-1:30 (1:30 optional Q&A)
- 2:00-2:30 (2:30 optional Q&A)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
Access Code: 829-563-589NEW**WFSU Age of Nature Virtual Field Trip
For more info, review the flyer here.
Upcoming Events for Beginning Teachers and Beginning Teacher Mentors
If you are a first-year teacher in the LCS College of Ed (COE) or Professional Educator Competency (PEC) program, or a mentor to someone in one of these programs, we are pleased to announce the following events in the month of October! If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Titze (titzej@leonschools.net).
- Beginning Teacher Mentor Orientation- 10/13/2020 4:30 PM-5:30 PM; Drop-In Q&A- 5:30-6:00
- October Beginning Teacher Meeting- 10/20/2020 4:30-6:00
LCS Clinical Educator Training Fall 2020
This course is intended for teachers interested in becoming trained as a Clinical Educator. LEADS Sign-up and course details HERE.
ESE Curriculum and Instruction Personalized Assistance and Exemplars
ESE teachers struggling with Canvas, Zoom, Teams, or other ESE Curriculum and Instruction issues, please email fulaterc@leonschools.net to set up appointments for help. Additionally, please feel free to check out the new resource under the Digital Academy tab on the ESE Resources page, our Canvas Showcase. Leon County ESE teachers share their courses and the awesome things they are doing in Canvas.
Disability Awareness Webinar from FDLRS
The first two weeks of October are Disability History and Awareness Weeks! FDLRS has developed this informational webinar to provide participants with an overview of disabilities. Register and find more information here.
Developing Quality IEPs Virtual Training
Please review the flyer here for more details. ESE teachers who have not previously had this training should take these sessions.
Training Opportunities for Non-Instructional Personnel
LCS Non-Instructional Personnel can now sign up for several self-paced professional learning opportunities directly in LEADS. For a full schedule of courses available, please review the document here.
New Elementary Math Resources from HMH
This year more than ever, educators will be challenged with meeting students’ needs for the current calendar year while addressing learning gaps produced as a result of COVID-19 related school closures. HMH worked with the International Center for Leadership in Education (ICLE) and has identified the highest priority standards that need to be focused on, by grade level. These priority standards are built from hundreds of projects with thousands of educators around the country, which consistently show that prioritizing standards results in learning gains for ALL students, particularly students who are behind. Grade-specific HMH Essential Content Frameworks allows educators to focus on those standards most critical to a student’s success in achieving grade level proficiency and above, as well as providing specific content from the prior grade that can be used for scaffolding and re-teaching. The Go Math lessons for both the current and prior grade are specifically listed for you. Please choose the grade level of your choice to see the amount of support and thought that has gone into creating these documents. You may use them in conjunction with your scope and sequence documentation to identify critical skills, on-grade lessons, and expected prior-year learning that supports these standards. These resources are available on the Elementary Math Sharepoint site at the link provided previously in this paragraph or here.
Need to Use the Howell Building Production Room?
Sign-up is required to ensure social distancing. Please reserve your spot HERE before you come out! We look forward to assisting you!
Popular Links
FLVS Teacher Resources Including Answer Keys
NEW—To gain access to the FLVS Content Teacher Resources including supplemental powerpoints, discussion-based assessments, accessibility guides, and answer keys, complete the privacy statement in the forms here https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2yopaSqnN0WqJNZ6b1ZCvAW-JyxCSrdHvEmIHpM1--pUMEpUS0dGUjFFRk1WM0FPOTBGSlY0Qzg0Ni4u.
At the end of the privacy statement, you will be provided with a link to an LCS Sharepoint site that contains the FLVS resources for all courses. Please utilize these resources with caution and be sure to keep them secure. Please note that some courses and grade level materials include ONLY answer keys.
ESE Curriculum Services Digital Academy Resources and Support
Now available online here and on the Digital Teacher Academy page from Professional Learning.
ESE Curriculum and Instructional Support Resource Page
Available HERE. This page features webinars and PD related to curricular support for ESE teachers and their students. For questions or additional information, contact Christy Fulater (fulaterc@leonschools.net)/
WFSU/PBS Media Resources for Distance Learning
The WFSU weekly broadcast schedule is now available via the following link: https://wfsu.org/education/curriculum-related-programming/, and there are resources for all subject areas and grades aligned to the Florida Standards available at https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/. For a brief tutorial on using the resources available from PBS Learning Media, check out this video as well. For Other PBS Instructional Resources, CLICK HERE!
Social/Emotional Learning and Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainings
Social & Emotional Learning
- SEL Basic (Keeth Matheny)
Register on Leon LEADS; Course #: 24826 - October 30, 2020
REPEAT SESSIONS: #3 (8:30-11:30AM) & # 4 (12:30-3:30PM)
- Sanford Harmony – A social emotional learning program for PK-5 grade students. (https://www.sanfordharmony.org/) Teachers must create a FREE account to access material.
- Sanford Monthly Webinars - https://online.sanfordharmony.org/harmony-calendar/
- Sanford Harmony On-Demand Video Training Videos - https://online.sanfordharmony.org/on-demand-training/
- Sanford Inspire– On-demand courses and resources designed to support social emotional learning and inspiration instruction in the PK-5 classroom. https://www.sanfordinspire.org/
- Youth Mental Health First Aid: REGISTER in Leon Leads (Course #23951) – Dates: October 15, October 30, November 18 and December 9
- Florida School Personnel Mental Health Awareness Training (https://florida.kognito.com/)
Mental Health Awareness
The following are FLDOE approved youth suicide awareness and prevention training for K12 instructional personnel per s. 1012.583, F.S., and 6A-4.0010, F.A.C.: (ONLY ONE COURSE REQUIRED PER YEAR)
- ACT on FACTS – 2019-2020 National Version – 2-hour online
- Jason Foundation: Professional Development Series – Module 5, “Youth Suicide: A Silent Epidemic” – 2-hour online
- Jason Foundation: Professional Development Series – Module 2, Mental Health Issues Surrounding Suicidal Ideation - 2-
Additional Trainings
- Updated Weekly on SEL Website (https://www.leonschools.net/Page/49614)
For all trainings, submit completion certificates to:
Tonja Fitzgerald (fitzgeraldt@leonschools.net) or
Ashley Anderson (andersona5@leonschools.net)
FDOE Human Trafficking Webinar
Posted by Susan Walden on 9/30/2020 6:00:00 AMThis online training offered from FDOE on Thursday, October 1st. For more details review the information here.
By Month
- December 2020
- October 2020
- September 2020
- March 2020
- January 2020
- December 2019
- November 2019
- October 2019
- September 2019
- August 2019
- June 2019
- May 2019
- February 2019
- January 2019
- December 2018
- October 2018
- September 2018
- August 2018
- July 2018
- April 2018
- March 2018
- February 2018
- January 2018
- December 2017
- November 2017
- October 2017
- September 2017
- August 2017
- May 2017
- April 2017
- March 2017
- February 2017
- January 2017
- December 2016
- November 2016
- October 2016
- September 2016
- August 2016
- May 2016
- April 2016
- March 2016
- February 2016
- January 2016
- December 2015
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- September 2015
- August 2015