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Welcome to the Leon County School Board
The LCSB is made up of five district-level elected board members, serving four-year terms.The Board elects the Chair every November.
The School Board meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.Time: 6:00 p.m.Location: Aquilina C. Howell Instructional Services Center
(back conference room) 3955 West Pensacola Street

Frequently Asked Questions
I don't have cable. How do I watch the school board meetings?You can stream the School Board Meetings through our website on any device. For best streaming results, it is helpful to use browsers such as Google, or Firefox.
How do I publicly comment at a school board meeting / participate in the Persons To Be Heard portion of the school board meeting agenda?
The community is invited to attend a school board meeting and submit a request to comment publicly (a form is filled out and collected before the start of the meeting and submitted to the board attorney). For those who are not attending a meeting, but want to submit public comments to be entered into the public record for a particular School Board meeting, you can send an email to Personstobeheard@leonschools.net
How do I find school board meeting agendas?
Click on Board Docs underneath Board Resources on this webpage.
Around the District
Michele Keltner is entering her 19th year as principal at DeSoto Trail, and her dedication to trailblazing for her school and community remains as strong as ever.
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Father's In Education: Ruediger VIDEO *Click here to play → ▶️
Ruediger Elementary celebrates Fathers in Education Day with a heartwarming evening for dads in Tallahassee.
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SPRINGWOOD MUSIC VIDEO ** Click here to play → ▶️
Does your school have a song like this? Check out what musician Zany Kloudz created for Springwood Elementary School.
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Dr. Michelle GayleDeputy SuperintendentProfessional, Intervention, and Community Services850-487-7177Jolisa CoffeeAssistant to the BoardProfessional, Intervention, and Community Services850-487-7110
School Board Meeting Calendar
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM National School Counselor's Week
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM School Board Agenda Review
6:00 PM School Board Business Meeting
February 17, 2025
Board Resources
- Public Notices
- 2021-2027 Strategic Plan
- Strategic Plan Summary
- School Board Meeting Video Archive
- Find Your Board Member (By Address)
- Board Docs - Meeting Agendas (Use this link for public access)
- Board Docs - Meeting Agendas (Use this link if you have a username and password)
- School Board Policies & Procedures