School Board District Map

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I don't have cable. How do I watch the school board meetings?
    You can stream the School Board Meetings through our website on any device. For best streaming results, it is helpful to use browsers such as Google, or Firefox.  
    1095 TV



    How do I publicly comment at a school board meeting / participate in the Persons To Be Heard portion of the school board meeting agenda? 

    The community is invited to attend a school board meeting and submit a request to comment publicly (a form is filled out and collected before the start of the meeting and submitted to the board attorney). For those who are not attending a meeting, but want to submit public comments to be entered into the public record for a particular School Board meeting, you can send an email to

    How do I find school board meeting agendas? 

    Click on Board Docs underneath Board Resources on this webpage. 

Around the District


    Michele Keltner is entering her 19th year as principal at DeSoto Trail, and her dedication to trailblazing for her school and community remains as strong as ever.

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  • Father's In Education: Ruediger VIDEO *Click here to play → ▶️

    Ruediger Elementary celebrates Fathers in Education Day with a heartwarming evening for dads in Tallahassee.

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  • SPRINGWOOD MUSIC VIDEO ** Click here to play → ▶️

    Does your school have a song like this? Check out what musician Zany Kloudz created for Springwood Elementary School.

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  • Dr. Michelle Gayle
    Deputy Superintendent
    Professional, Intervention, and Community Services 
    Jolisa Coffee
    Assistant to the Board
    Professional, Intervention, and Community Services 

School Board Meeting Calendar