Frequently Asked Questions

  • These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) are here to help assist you as a Parent or Guardian find solutions to any issues or questions you might have or encounter with the Parent Portal.  Please try these solutions below first, but if after these attempts, you are still not able to access the protal and need some additional assistance, you can contact our district helpdesk and they will be glad to assit or help point you were you may need to go to get information updated that they are unable to update from their side.

  • How do parents register for the Focus Portal?

  • Can parents with a Custody Alert register for a portal account?

  • What is my username?

  • How do I (a parent) reset my Focus Portal password?

  • Which browser do I need to use to access my Focus account?

  • How do I know if all my children are listed on my Focus Portal account? What if I do not see my students listed.

  • How do I Register /add an additional child to my Portal acct?

  • Can I access the Focus portal using my mobile device?

  • How can I (the parent) set my account to receive email notifications?

  • I have done everything right, but the system keeps saying that my info doesn't match, or my child is not a student in the system.

  • What happens if I change my email address or no longer have access to that account?

  • How do I update information on my child’s portal account?

  • What happens to my portal account when my child leaves elementary school for middle school or transfers to another Leon district school?

  • How does my student reset their password when locked out of their account?

  • I try to login, but my child, or the wrong child is automatically logged in on our home computer

Last Modified on November 5, 2021