- Leon County Schools
- Overview
The Program:
• An effort to prevent gang involvement by redirecting energies of young men within the targeted population.
• Protect and maintain Tallahassee's quality of life by providing guidance to young men to live productive, constructive and fulfilling lives.
• Pool resources readily available in the community to empower 50 LARGE clients and their families in their quest for brighter futures.
• Provide community role models who can mentor and assist in the development of appropriate life goals.
Comprehensive Model:
A steering committee with representation from Tallahassee's business community, social services, youth development agencies, neighborhood associations, workforce development, law enforcement, court system, and the school system meets monthly to provide direction and identify resources.
Constant contact with program participants to mentor and engineer success.
Key Components:
• Character development
• Academic support & tutoring
• Referrals for social services
º Assistance and facilitation to access prescribed services
• Life skills and professional development
• Employment opportunities
• Community service
Target Population:
• Gender: Male
• Age: 14 - 17 years
Target Schools:
º High: Godby, Rickards, and The Success Academy at Ghazvini Learning Center
º Middle: Cobb, Fairview, Griffin, & Nims
º Special/Alternative: Second Chance
* Referrals are accepted from any schools located within Leon County.
º School: multiple referrals, suspensions and truancy
º Social: associates with gang members, gang dress style, hand signs and tattoos
Intervention Team:
Select steering committee agencies participate on an intervention team that meets monthly to assess client referrals and prescribe individualized intervention plans."50 LARGE has brought a needed resource in our community in the areas of prevention, intervention and collaboration. The program has changed lives through education and mentoring. A host of dedicated individuals from many public and private organizations work daily towards redirecting young men to success. What started as a focus on Gang Free Schools and Communities has grown into so much more, continuously adjusting to meet Leon County's unique needs."
John C. Hunkiar, Chief
Leon County Schools Department of Safety and Security
"Effectively addressing our community's problems with gangs requires a holistic approach, with an understanding that this is a "community issue", not a law enforcement issue. We simply cannot arrest our way out of a problem. 50 Large has been a successful partner within our community to champion for the success of each client. Their intervention effort has changed lives by fostering educational growth, life coaching, and opening up a view of the world that most participants would not have had from the confines of their neighborhoods."
Lt. Steve Outlaw, Tallahassee Police Department
"Words cannot convey the positive impact that 50 LARGE has had on the lives of the young men who have participated in this program. Their future contributions to society are yet to be measured. With the emphasis on building good character and academic habits, their chances to succeed in life have been greatly enhanced as a result of the skills acquired through 50 LARGE."
Dennis M. Jones
Former Chief of Police
City of Tallahassee