• Canvas is our Learning Management System which all teachers post their assignments and agendas. 


     Canvas Basics 

    • Student overview video - click here
    • Getting started with Canvas in 10 Steps - click here 
    • How do I use the Global Navigation Menu as a student? - click here
    • How do I use the Dashboard as a student? - click here
    • How do I use the Inbox as a student? - click here
    • How do I use the Calendar as a student? - click here
    • How do I use Files as a student? - click here
    • How do I add and modify text in the Rich Content Editor as a student? - click here
    • How do I add and modify text in the New Rich Content Editor as a student? - click here

     Canvas Course Basics

    • How do I use the Course Home Page as a student? - click here 
    • How do I view Assignments as a student? - click here 
    • How do I submit an online assignment? - click here 
    • How do I view my grades in a current course? - click here 
    • How do I reply to a discussion as a student? - click here 
    • How do I take a quiz? - click here 
    • How do I take an assessment? - click here 
    • How do I view Collaborations as a student? - click here 
    • How do I use Conferences in a course as a student? - click here 
    • How do I view Pages as a student? - click here 

     Parent Resources

    Do you want to be able to view your student's teacher's Canvas pages? You can add yourself as an "observer" to your student's Canvas by completing the following two steps:


    1. Have your student generate a "pairing code" by following the directions here.
    2. Create yourself an account by going to this website: https://leonschools.instructure.com/login/canvas

    Friendly reminder that FOCUS should be used to look at your student's current grades. Canvas is NOT an accurate picture of your student's academic standing.