Our Mission

  • Our mission at William J. Montford, III Middle School is to establish a culture of respect and responsibility; to engage students in an active, emotionally, and physically safe learning environment; to model enthusiasm for and love of learning; and to prepare students to contribute to and care for the community and the environment by providing opportunities to explore interests and creatively solve problems. 

Our Vision


    Our vision is to be recognized as the highest performing middle school where students, staff, and families enjoy learning, take pride in contributing to the community, and enjoy the highest levels of success in all we do.  


  • Our curriculum focuses on the needs of each student regardless of their academic achievement level. We have a place for every student to expand upon his/her educational horizons and progress towards a brighter future.

    In addition to the core-academic offerings of language arts, math, science, and social studies, we include classes for gifted students, enhancement classes for students in need of remediation, and high school credit courses in math, science, foreign language, and fine arts, which are linked to accelerated or Advanced Placement Courses at our feeder high schools. The curriculum at every level is designed to be relevant, rigorous and engaging for all students and based upon the Florida Standards adopted by the state of Florida.


Our Facility

  • Our state-of-the-art facility houses four separate classroom buildings. Each of the rooms in these buildings is designed to be an "intelligent classroom".

    Our administrative offices and guidance suite are combined in the front area of the school. This allows for increased communication, efficiency and access for our students and parents.

    Our music suite is connected to the cafeteria to form a performing arts complex. The stage and ancillary rooms allow us to conduct not only musical performances, but drama and stage productions as well. Storage areas and dressing rooms highlight the production area. The performing arts center is certainly a cornerstone of Montford Middle School.

    The core of our learning environment is the Media Center. Located in what is the center of our campus, this is truly the hub of interaction and research in our school. Not merely a place to check out books anymore, the media center also houses an educational computer lab a research computer lab and full video production facility. The media center allows students to be digitally connected to the world of information and inquiry. 

Our Technology

  • Montford Middle School is a blueprint for technical innovation in the classroom and "green" initiatives within our facility. Leading the way with cutting edge technological advances, our classrooms contain the latest in "intelligent classroom" advantages such as touch screen TV's, video and document displays, audio enhancement systems, and, of course, student computers. Not only do our classrooms have internet connections, but these connections can be made anywhere on our campus with our wireless technology umbrella that links the entire campus.

    Also, energy saving features and "green technology" allow our school to be a leader in energy efficiency and conservation. The technology at Montford Middle School allows teachers to engage students using state of the art approaches to instruction. This technology also brings information and learning to our students in a manner that prepares them for life in the 21st century.