- Montford Middle
- Beta Club
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- Beta Club
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Beta Club
Wear your Beta t-shirt.
PowerPoint for September Meeting
PowerPoint for October Meeting
PowerPoint for November Meeting
If you volunteered this summer and want to log your hours, go ahead and print this document or save on your computer.
Volunteer Form for Logging in Hours
The purpose of The National Beta Club shall be to promote the ideals of character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students, to reward meritorious academic achievement and to encourage and assist students in continuing their education after high school.
For more information, visit: http://www.betaclub.org/Qualifications for Joining the Beta Club:
- Students must have all A's in the first semester of the school year in order to receive an invitation to join. (This applies to 6th and 7th graders only!)
- Once in Beta Club, members must:
- Maintain a 3.9 GPA
- Attend at least 6 of the monthly meetings
- Complete 10 Volunteer Service Hours
- Maintain all 3s and 4s in Citizenship
Beta Meeting Schedule 2024-25
Beta Club Activities:
- Monthly Meetings (First Wednesday of each month at 8:45)
- Service Projects (Yearly Lucky Goat Coffee Sales for Relay for Life and other projects proposed by members)
Beta Sponsors:
Ali Sullivan
Darlene Lowery