• Welcome to Band/Piano!  My name is Mr. McManus, and I am very excited to get to meet all of you!  I teach four different classes here at Montford all related to music. 

    First, there is "understanding music" more commonly called "piano."  This is a semester long class that must be paired with a different UA semester long class. This class is intended for beginners on the piano, but those with more advanced knowledge are welcome as well. This short video should give you a little bit more of an overview of the class: Piano Video

    Next, there is Band 1 more commonly called Beginning Band.  This class is for students wishing to learn one of the following instruments: flute, clarinet, saxophone, French horn, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba, and percussion (drums and mallets). Students do NOT need to have any experience on these instruments or in music at all, as I will teach you everything you need to know.  Students will be guided through the selection and rental of their instruments at very affordable rates.  If even these rates are not doable, the band program can absolutely help provide instruments! Don't let money keep you away! These videos can provide more info about the class as well as the instruments offered: Band 1 Video, Instrument Demonstration Video

    Concert Band: This year, we are able to offer an intermediate level of band! Band 2 also called concert band, is for mostly second year players who have completed the beginning band curriculum and are ready to step into some of the more complicated parts of playing in a group.  This class will have a lot of the same elements of beginning band, but at a higher level of difficulty. Students in this band will have all of the same opportunities that Band 3 students do including access to all FBA events (solo and ensemble, all district band, possibly even MPA). This class promises to have the same goofy fun of Band 1, while incorporating more of the seriousness and complexity of Band 3. 

    Symphonic Band: Students placed in Band 3, or Symphonic Band, are either in their third year playing their instrument, or showed such great potential and growth in Band 1 that they made the jump straight to Band 3. This is the highest level of difficulty available to band students at Montford.  This band will perform at school functions, participate in all FBA events such as all state and all district band, solo and ensemble, pre MPA, and MPA. This class is for students who have established solid fundamentals and are now ready to begin pushing the difficulty level. Expectations are very high in this band, but so is the energy and the reward of fun music!  : Band 2/3 Video.


    Please reach out to me with any questions you may have! Email is the best way to get a quick response at mcmanusl@leonschools.net