- Montford Middle
- Media Center
- FPL: Program Administration
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Program Administration
Technological processes and resources enhance learning and serve as an infrastructure for administering a properly staffed and well-funded library media program.
Montford has one certified media specialist along with a library aide who has a degree in history/education and is studying to take her Educational Media Specialist state certification test.
Montford is very lucky that our school’s budget gives an amount of money to purchase and maintain this library. The district also allocates funds. Book Fair also generates revenue for purchases
ELA Checkout Schedule:
Language arts teachers sign up for a day of the week to allow their students to come to the library. Sometimes, teachers bring the entire class, or they send students individually. Classroom teachers also allow students to come to the library when they complete the work for their class.
Morning Area:
There are also around thirty students in the library every morning as a "hangout" before school for 40 minutes. Many of those students are regular library readers and checking out books. Some come for technology help, to use the printer, or to have a quiet space before classes begin.
Afternoon Services:
The media center is open for about 15 minutes after the last school bell. Students are allowed to stop by to return or check out a book.
Online Catalog:
Destiny is accessible through Classlink which has access to ebooks. Destiny is also always pulled up on two computers in the media center, so students can search the catalog in person or from afar. Many students place books on hold through Destiny. The library aide pulls them and has them ready for student retrieval.
Also on Classlink is the Proquest database for research. Students use the school purchased databases for research for National History Day. All 8th grade students are required to create a project for National History Day. The gifted 6th and 7th graders are also required to do the same. Those students all used the library databases.
Program Evaluation
A student and teacher survey is issued annually and was last issued in the spring of 2024.
Informal Feedback:
Students also provide feedback in the mailbox or in person. If a student requests YA books, their parents can email the LMS to loan out YA books or to borrow books from the local high schools.