Before School Contact

  • If you completed a "waitlist" form to hold your place (new applicants just need the registration form), it is not time to complete the registration form and pay your fees!  Welcome to EDEP.  Email your completed registration form and pay your fees online, or you can drop off a money order/check to the front office.  We will also have a table set up during orientation with some registration packets for pick-up.  We look forward to seeing you on August 12th!  Email or drop-off registration and have them placed in my mailbox in the office or bring it to my classroom (Room 8-110).

    Registration Info: MMS EDEP Registration

    Please pay your $50 registration per child and Cycle 1 Fees prior to August 12th:

    MMS EDEP Fee Schedule 

    Pay Online: 

    Please email Dr. Wood at 

    We will miss our beloved Coach Monica Scott in EDEP; may her soul R.I.P. #ScottStrong  #LupusWarrior



Before & After School Information

  • Montford Middle School is proud to offer a Before & After School Enrichment Program for your students. We hope this program will serve as a means to assist our families with before and after-school care while offering well-supervised, varied and educational opportunities that will enrich your students with middle school-related activities. Afterschool will use the first 30–45 minutes for homework time; however, it is up to the student to complete their homework without allowing distractions.  We will have guest speakers, events, and enrichment activities.  Our new location will be in Building 3, NOT the gym classroom; I will include more info in the registration packet.  Welcome to EDEP!

    2024-25 Registration will OPEN during Teacher Pre-Planning Week (Coming on August 1st).  Please complete the "waitlist" form if you are interested in enrolling your child/children in the upcoming EDEP.  It only serves as a working interest list....

    Waitlist Form

     Email to:  Montford EDEP


    Please do not pay fees or submit registration forms until you have been notified that your registration form has been received and accepted by the  EDEP Manager, Dr. Wood. 


    Availability may or may not be available at the time of your registration, so please ensure your child has been accepted into EDEP. If you are a LCS employee, I must receive a copy of your employee badge for the current year for the discount.








After School Contact

After School Information