Welcome to Spanish 1!

Welcome to Spanish 1

    Welcome to Montford's High School Level 1 Spanish course! 

    Spanish 1 is a yearlong, high school credit course introducing students to basic pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammatical structures of the Spanish language.  Students will also have an introduction to the history, culture, and geography of Spanish-speaking peoples around the world.  Real-life applications are emphasized as students begin using the present tense in Spanish.

    Students must maintain a “C” average or above in order to receive high school credit for the course. 

    Note important information below:
    • Class materials:
      • 1- Five Star spiral notebook with movable pocket dividers (see picture below) 
      • 1 pair of wired headphones or earbuds with mic (NOT airpods) (extra pair to be kept in backpack)
      • pouch with pens, pencils & erasers
    • Leon County laptops are essential for this class and should be charged nightly!
    • Students must create online accounts for regular assignments on www.Quizizz.com, www.conjuguemos.com, www.boomlearning.com & www.vhlcentral.com
    • Students are required to work ONLY on Spanish activities during the class period each day. Students who work during class will have minimal work to complete at home.
    • Students will have weekly vocabulary and grammar lessons presented on Canvas.
    • A daily agenda is posted on Canvas under Announcements and contains links to most everything completed in class and for homework. When absent, students are encouraged to stay up-to-date by checking the daily agenda on Canvas, before returning to class.

    binder           earbuds         pencil pouch