• Required Materials: by Monday 19 August, all AG students must provide:

    • lined composition book (NO SPIRALS!).
      • This “LogBook” will be used to record daily TaskLists, design projects, take and keep notes, and record garden observations.  It is crucial to success in my class.
      • LogBooks remain in our classroom for open note LogBook and pop quizzes that count as assessment grades.  They may be checked out when reviewing for major tests.
    • A pencil, everyday😊
    • A HOMEWORK pocket folder to go in core subject binders to put forms for signatures, flyers, etc… Students can use one for all of their classes, they don't need a separate one for Ag.

    Suggested Materials (NOT required!)items students might appreciate keeping in their classroom cubbies.  Must be kept in a 1 GAL FREEZER BAG (except shoes), and each item must be labeled with the student's name in permanent ink!

    • gardening gloves
    • a sun-hat, water bottle (sun-screen? some days we will be outside 45 minutes)
    • garden Crocs or rubber slip-on shoes that will dry quickly (we don’t have room for boots!)

    Requested Materialsthe following is a Wish List of items sought for this year’s Agriculture classroom and gardening activities.  They need NOT be new items: donations of used items (in good working condition) are encouraged, as well as shopping for the items at thrift stores and garage sales.  Each student in our class is encouraged to bring at least ONE of the following items...

    24-25 WishList Items: WishList 2425

    ____ blenders                                                                    ____ large metal mixing bowls

    ____ BLACK milk crates                                                    ____ large glass mixing bowls

    ____ wheelbarrows                                                            ___­­_ food processors

    ____ pint canning jars                                                        ____ paper towels

    ____ LARGE wicker baskets with handles                        ____ garden carts  

    ____ round tip shovels                                                      ____ hand crank ice creamers

    ____ metal GARDEN rakes (NOT leaf rakes!)                  ____ clear plastic TRI-FOLD egg cartons (no styrofoam or paper):

    ____ hand trowels/spades                                                ____ extra gardening gloves with plastic/rubber palms

    ____ dark colored (black, brown) hand towels                  ____ popcorn poppers

    ____ large wooden cutting boards                                    ____ large plastic storage bins

    Fall vegetable seedlings (once we have our garden bed re-established): Fall Vegetable Seedling Drive 

    Fall annuals and perennials (butterfly and nectar flowers): Fall Nectar Garden Drive