- Montford Middle
- Meet the Teacher
Benjamin Franklin stated that education is an investment in knowledge that pays the best interest. That’s why I believe in the institution of learning!Nelson Mandela echoed by saying, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Education is the fundamental root of all professional success! I believe that education exists to create various windows of opportunity for all students. As an educator, I am responsible for my students’ learning by offering many opportunities for them to learn. Though I have a diverse population of children in my classroom, I teach all students while considering how I teach sensitive subjects. So, my educational philosophy is that all students are capable of learning, but as an educator, I must realize that, because of the various learning styles, I must be willing to adapt to change. I have a very strong belief in our educational institution; our students are indeed the future and we must prepare them as such.
I believe that all students learn differently and come from various backgrounds. Since students that I teach come from various backgrounds and situations, it is my responsibility to ensure that I have a consistent classroom behavior management system in place from day one of instruction. Some students will respond better to verbal cues, but others may need other encouragement to continue positive behavior. It is important that my classroom functions as a place of learning as opposed to a classroom of likeability; I will teach all students by varying instructional techniques. It is important to have high expectations of all students and bring forth a positive attitude to my students daily. When I design my curriculum, I consider my student population, their limitations, and the ability to be flexible. I am used to teaching middle school students and I have to change my teaching strategies often to fit my classroom of students, so flexibility is quite important.
I have been married for over 30 years and I have two adult children. I am a graduate of Amos P. Godby High School, where Mr. William Montford was my school principal. I graduated from Florida A&M University with a Bachelor's degree in Respiratory Therapy and a Master's Degree in Social Science. I am a former member of the US Army Reserve and trained as a combat medic. I graduated with my PhD in Leadership Educational Administration from Capella University. I enjoy spending time with my family, teaching others, writing, singing, reading, and attending church where I serve in various capacities. My experiences have taken me to many places and we are off to great places in Civics this year; the ultimate key to success in my classroom is commitment, commitment, and organization. I am my students' advocate for success; we are in this together.
I teach because I believe in all possibilities of every aspect of learning; if you can dream it, you can achieve it! Welcome to Civics!

Phone: (850) 412-8900 ext.2810
Degrees and Certifications:
Certified Teacher, Social Sciences Gifted Endorsed B.S. Respiratory Therapy M.S. Social Science PhD Educational Leadership
Dr. R. Wood
Benjamin Franklin stated that education is an investment in knowledge that pays the best interest. That’s why I believe in the institution of learning!Nelson Mandela echoed by saying, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Education is the fundamental root of all professional success! I believe that education exists to create the various windows of opportunity for all students. As an educator, I am responsible for my students’ learning by offering the many opportunities for them to learn. Though I have a diverse population of children in my classroom, I teach to all students while considering how I teach sensitive subjects. So, my educational philosophy is that all students are capable of learning but as an educator, I must realize that pursuant to the various learning styles, I must be willing to adapt to change. I have a very strong belief in our educational institution; our students are indeed the future and we must prepare them as such.
I believe that all students learn differently and come from various backgrounds. Since students that I teach come from various backgrounds and situations, it is my responsibility to ensure that I have a consistent classroom behavior management system in place from day one of instruction. Some students will respond better to verbal cues but other may need other encouragement to continue positive behavior. It is important that my classroom functions as a place of learning as opposed to a classroom of likeability; I will teach to all students by varying instructional techniques. It is important to have high expectations of all students and bring forth a positive attitude to my students daily. When I design my curriculuminstruction, I consider my student population, their limitations, and the ability to be flexible. I am used to teaching to middle school students and I have to change-up my teaching strategies often to fit my classroom of students so flexibility is quite important.
I have been married for 30 years and I have two adult children. I am a graduate of Amos P. Godby High School where Mr. William Montford was my school principal. I graduated from Florida A&M University with a Bachelor's degree in Respiratory Therapy and a Master's Degree in Social Science. I am a former member of the US Army Reserve and trained as a combat medic. I am now a new graduate with my PhD in Leadership Educational Administration from Capella University. I enjoy spending time with my family, teaching others, writing, singing, reading, and attending church where I serve in various capacities My experiences have taken me to many places and we are off to great places in Civics this year; the ultimate key to success in my classroom is Communication, Committment, and Organization. I am my students' advocate for success; we are in this together.
I teach because I believe in all possibilities of every aspect of learning; if you can dream it, you can achieve it!