• Behavior Expectations

    All students are be expected to:

    • pay attention
    • participate
    • be prompt
    • be prepared

    whether working in a whole-group setting, independently, or in with a partner or small group.
    Students will retain privileges in all activities by following the Hawks Rise Expectations and classroom rules set by the teacher.


    Hawks Rise Expectations

    Have respect

    Act responsibly

    Work hard

    Keep a positive attitude

    Stay safe


    Digital Academy Rules

    1. Listen and follow directions

    2. Stay visible on screen at all times during a lesson, unless your teacher tells you it’s okay to turn your video off

    3. Use digital hand-raising and wait to be called on

    4. Be respectful to your classmates and your teacher


    Classroom (Brick & Mortar) Rules

    1. Listen and follow directions (this includes masks, handwashing, and maintaining distance)

    2. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat

    3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself

    4. Respect your classmates and your teacher



Last Modified on August 25, 2020