School bus routes are handled by the Transportation Department.  Please call them to ask about changes. Leon County Transportation:  (850) 488-2636


    Children who ride in private vehicles must be dropped of and picked up at the Meadow Ridge Drive entrance.  For safety reasons, no one is allowed to drop off or pick up children in the parking lot.  Parents may park and walk with their children, but should never let the children out or expect them to walk alone to meet them in the parking lot.  The following procedures are also in effect for our students' safety:

    Drop off students before 8:20 A.M. to avoid a last minute rush.
    The drive speed limit is 5 MPH for the safety of bike riders and walkers on the sidewalk.
    Always pull your vehicle as far forward as possible so that several children may be boarding at once.
    Children are always to be loaded or unloaded from the right side of the vehicle since the left lane is for passing.
    Vehicles should never be parked and left unattended in the loading zone.
    Supervision is provided from 7:45 A.M. to 3:20 P.M. ONLY.

    The driveway off Meridian Road is only for buses and staff. Extra cars create a serious hazard in this area. For the safety of the children, no one is allowed to drop off or pick up children in the parking lot unless they are bringing a child to the Before School Program between 7:00 A.M. and 7:45 A.M.. Students in the After School Program may be picked up in this area between 4:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M.


    • When leaving the front parking lot, vehicles MUST turn right only between the time of 8:00-8:30 A.M. and 2:50 – 3:10 P.M. Please do not turn left on Meadow Ridge or go straight across to Whittondale during these time periods. By instituting this right turn only procedure, traffic has flowed much more quickly.
    • The speed limit is 5 MPH in the parking lot. Observing the speed limit is critical for the safety of all the children, including student walkers and bike riders on the nearby sidewalk.
    • Cell phones need to be turned off so that all of our attention is focused on the children and their safety.
    • Park in designated parking spots only. Vehicles should never be parked and left unattended in the loading zone. Spaces in the parking lot free up quickly as parents leave with their children. Please do not park along the fenced grass area.
    • If you plan to pick up your children and walk them to your car, make sure that you park in the parking lot and walk across the center crosswalk.


    The children are taught the following safety procedures. It is helpful if you review the following with your child, especially during the first week of school.
    1. Stay seated in your assigned area and watch for your car. No running or playing is allowed while you are waiting to be picked up.
    2. When you see your car or hear your number called, stand up in your area.
    3. Wait until your car has stopped in the loading line.
    4. Walk on the safe side of the railing along the yellow path to the area where the car has stopped.
    5. Wait behind the safety railing for an adult or student assistant to open the car door.


    Arriving in the morning between 7:45 A.M. and 8:10 A.M. avoids the rush and the line moves quickly. The line tends to back up during the last ten minutes prior to the 8:20 bell. Remember, even if you are in a hurry, you must go through the drive. Children should never be let out in the parking lot.


    Always pull your vehicle forward as far as possible in the loading area. In the afternoon, this may require you to pull past where your child is waiting. We will walk your child to you. The children are seated in grade level groups or with sibling/car pools and supervised by teachers who know them. The children are taught to stay seated until they see the car or hear their number called. Students move along the yellow pathway to the safety railing and an adult or student assistant opens the door for them. Please keep the yellow pathway clear for student movement. Children are always loaded or unloaded from the right side of the vehicle. The left lane is used for passing.


    To assist during afternoon dismissal we have issued each family vehicle a transportation number on a card and a decal. The card is to be placed on the car visor for easy drop-down during car pick up. Please place the card in the middle of the passenger side down-positioned visor facing out. This will be easily read from the outside. We ask for your cooperation in displaying the card in your vehicle.


    Supervision for children during pick up is provided until 3:20 pm. Children who have not been picked up by this time will be kept in the office area until their parents arrive. The parents will be charged the after school drop-in rate of $10.00.


    Due to the large number of students waiting to be picked up, please do not remain in the student supervision area once you have picked up your children. You may stand along the brick path. Remind children that the supervision area is not a play area. Thank you for your cooperation!

school crossing sign