• Dashboard We are pleased to share that we have adopted ClassLink, a single sign-on platform that will allow students to use one username and password to access everything they need.

      You can learn more about ClassLink here and see why we feel it’s so important to create faster, easier access to digital education resources that your children need to be successful. 

      ClassLink is a safe, secure way for students to connect with applications and files. The software does not collect or share any personal student information, which is important to us. Best of all, it is very easy to use and will be a great resource for teachers and students.

      Here is how to help your students get started:  (Please note: Parents are not able to access ClassLink as they do not have accts)

      Use your LCS Username (Student#@edu.leonschools.net) and Password(Lunch Pin) to login to ClassLink


                                               Important Note: When logging into ClassLink from HOME,


      • Students  MUST use their FULL username (Ex: 123456789@edu.leonschools.net, not just 123456789 like they can while at school)





    ClassLink Earns iKeepSafe COPPA and California Student Data Privacy Certifications

    Clifton, NJ – April 19, 2018   ClassLink, the leader in single sign-on, class rostering, and learning resource analytics, announced that it has earned the iKeepSafe COPPA and California Student Data Privacy Certifications. The company is the first and only single sign-on platform to earn this certification, which is awarded to programs that have been proactively and independently assessed by iKeepSafe, an experienced privacy protection organization.

    iKeepSafe Privacy Certifications simplify privacy compliance for education technology vendors and make it easy for schools to identify websites, apps, data management platforms, and other technology products that follow various privacy laws governing student data. Products that carry the iKeepSafe badge provide educators and parents with the assurance that the product meets iKeepSafe’s standards in the areas of privacy, safety, and security.

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