Brick & Mortar Physical Education

Hawks Rise PE

Meet the Coaches



Degrees and Certifications:

Coach Filomio

Hi there!  My name is Brett Filomio and this is my fourteenth year teaching at Hawks Rise.  I have taught eleven years of Physical Education and three years of second grade.  I love Hawks Rise and it has been my school since I interned here.  I graduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor's in Physical Education.

I grew up in Jupiter, Florida and lived there until coming to Tallahassee for college.  I met my wife while attending FSU and we have a daughter and son who bring endless joy to our lives.  My favorite teams are the Florida State Seminoles and the Seattle Seahawks.



Degrees and Certifications:

Coach Walker

My name is Cliff Walker, and this my 18th year teaching P.E. at Hawks Rise. I graduated from Florida State University in 2000 with a degree in physical education. After interning at Hawks Rise, I was offered a P.E. position and starting teaching the next year. Back in 2004, I thought I would try my hand in a different profession, but after year 2, I really missed my students and knew that teaching was still in my blood and that I truly needed to come back.

My wife and I have been blessed with 2 beautiful little girls, Elsie(8) and Clara(5). We are happy to have them both at Hawks Rise, and it is wonderful to be able to see them walking the halls with us. I enjoy playing many different sports in my free time and if I’m not playing them, then I am watching my favorites on T.V.

Frequently Asked Questions

  •  What should I do if my child cannot participate in physical education for some reason?

    Send us a note with your child explaining the reason. Your child will still be
    expected to come to physical education class, but will be excused from
    participating for that day. Those under a doctor's care who present a written
    statement will be temporarily exempted from participation.

    Why does my child have to wear tennis shoes/sneakers to P.E.?

    The #1 reason is for their own safety! Many times on the field several ant
    beds will appear especially after a heavy rain and there may be rocks, sticks, or
    other debris that they could step on. Tennis shoes will protect their feet better
    than sandals or flip flops. If they wear shoes that are not safe for the
    activity we are doing (flip flops, sandals, shoes with high soles, boots), they will
    not be allowed to participate.

    How can I contact you if I need more information?

    The best way to contact us is by email. 


Mileage Club

  • Mileage Club 

    At Hawks Rise we believe in educating the body and mind. With our Mileage Club, students have an opportunity to improve their cardiovascular endurance, as well as awaken the mind, so they are alert and engaged in the classroom. 

    Mileage Club
    is offered to all 2nd  5th grade students (weather permitting). This year, mileage club will be offered on alternating weeks with 2nd & 3rd grades the first week and 4th & 5th grades the second week.  

    When and where does Mileage Club take place? 

    Every morning from 8:05am – 8:20am (weather permitting) on the track 

    Do I have to sign my child up for Mileage Club? 


    Does my child have to go every day? 

    No, your child may come when they want, but if they decide to come out to mileage club, they must stay on the track until 8:20am due to supervision constraints.  

    How does the Mileage Club work? 

    Each morning, at 8:05am, a P.E. teacher will come to the playground/court or covered area to offer mileage club to the students.   

    Students have received a QR Scan Card with their name printed on it and a necklace to hold it. Students are responsible for bringing this to mileage club each day. They may walk, jog, or run around the track and will scan their QR Scan Card with the teacher after each lap.  

    Toe tokens are earned for every five miles completed (20 laps) and are distributed during their P.E. class the following week. Different awards are offered for the below milestones: 

    25 miles – Swirl Sneaker 
    40 miles – Lightning Bolt 
    50 miles – Sports Ball 
    75 miles – Large Foot 
    100 miles – T-shirt 
    125 miles – Dog Tag 

     At the end of the year, the boy and girl from each grade level that has completed the most miles, will win a trophy and appear on the Hawks Rise News. 

    What if my child loses their QR Scan Card? 

    Students will not receive a replacement QR Scan Card. We will print their QR Code on a piece of paper and laminate it, it will take one week for this to be available.  

    What if my child loses their necklace and toe tokens? 

    We are unable to replace lost QR Scan Cards or tokens. Student can receive one replacement necklace to attach their laminated QR Code to. 

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