- Hawks Rise Elementary
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Ms. Brand - Retired
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2nd Grade Homework Policy
Homework is a vital part of the learning process. It provides essential practice for needed skills and trains children to have good work study habits. Therefore, student's are required to complete each homework assignment on a daily basis and to read an Accelerated Reader book for at least 15 minutes. 2nd grade teachers will assign no more than 30 minutes of combined written and/or reading homework each evening (Monday-Friday). In addition, spelling, vocabulary, and math facts may be an occasional part of the homework program.
Homework Schedule
* Your child is expected to read AR for 15 minutes every night.
M- Math (due Friday)
T- Math (continued)
W- Math (continued)
TH- Math (continued)
F- Reading Fluency (due following Tuesday)
*AR/Behavior Progress Report signed/ Friday Folder (due Tuesday)
*Fluency sheet signed (due Tuesday)
Each Friday your child will bring home his/her purple Friday folder with the AR/Behavior and Work Study Progress Report as well as classwork and graded assessments. This is a requirement to keep you informed and must be signed and returned each Tuesday morning.