Welcome to Mrs. Hadden's English class!
Mrs. Hadden joined Leon's English Department in 2014. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English literature and a Master of Science in curriculum and instruction from Florida State University.
**Distance Learning**
My office hours: 11:30-1:30pm Monday-Friday
The best way to contact me is via Remind texts or email (haddenm@leonschools.net).
To sign up go to www.commonlit.org/en/enroll
Enter the code for your class.
1st - 69B6ZR
2nd - 4BPVQ3
3rd - V54NEN
4th - ERQYB8
Please make sure you have joined the Remind for your class (text the following class codes to 81010):
1st period: @hadden01
2nd period: @hadden02
3rd period: @hadden03
4th period: @hadden04
Instructions for Submitting
-Locate the assignment in Focus, download the answer sheet, type the answers in the answer sheet document as you complete the packet. Once you are done, go to the assignment in Focus and upload your completed document.
Due Dates (same late work policy applies; if your assignment is more than one day late, it is half credit)
Week 1 is due by Monday, April 6th.
Week 2 is due by Monday, April13th.
Creative Writing
Creative Writing: @haddencw20 - please refer to the my Creative Writing page for the weekly assignment (starting April 13th).