Meet the Teacher


    Greetings and Humble Salutations,

    I am Hailee Morris a proud graduate of the illustrious FAMU and science teacher here at Leon (Inetgrated and Biology). 

    I know that these are extremely difficult, stressful, and emotional times we are currently facing. I hope that all of you and your families are doing as well as can be expected during this time. My goal is to be of service to you and your families. 

    I hope you find these resources and announcements easy to read and understand. If you have any questions please feel free to send me through any of my resources

    Comments (-1)



    Name: Hailee Morris



    Microsoft Teams: If you are a parent and would like access to this feature please send me an email. 


    Student Remind: Find your class below if you are not currently enrolled and copy/paste code in remind

    Integrated 1- cdbebdag7g

    Integrated 2-eh73ba2733

    Bio 4- k36bb27897

    Bio 5- dkd6cba3eb

    Bio 6- 32g787ebgh


    Parent Remind: The codes are broken up into 2 categories- Integrated Science and Biology.

    Log in to remind and type in or copy/paste the code for your class

    Integrated Parents- I1nt (The  capital letter "I", the number 1, the lowercase letters "n" and "t"

    Biology Parents- b1Io ( lower case "b", the number 1, the capital letter "I" and a lower case "o")




    Option 1- Check my calendar; the assignment is added here and can be viewed, printed, screenshot, etc.\

    Option 2- Check Microsoft Teams; the assignment will be posted either under "files" or "assignments"

    Option 3- Check FOCUS; I have uploaded the document in to FOCUS 

    Option 4- Come to the front office and get a physical copy


    Turn in

    Option 1- FOCUS; i have adjusted it so that you can now upload your finished assignment

    Option 2- REMIND; send me a picture on remind

    Option 3- Microsoft TEAMS; send me the picture or upload document there.

    Option 4- Email