- Leon High
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You should ALWAYS use Class Link when creating school related documents either on a school computer, or at home. This will allow you to continue working on a document if you do not finish it. To avoid possible problems, it is best to use Google Chrome as your browser.
TO GET TO CLASS LINK, GO TO THE LEON HIGH SCHOOL WEBPAGE https://www.leonschools.net/leon
OR THE LEON COUNTY SCHOOLS WEBPAGE https://www.leonschools.net/site/default.aspx?PageID=1
When logging into ClassLink from HOME: Students MUST use their FULL user name (Ex: 123456@edu.leonschools.net, NOT just 123456789 like they can while at school)
Click on the blue Class Link icon at the top right side.
- You will be prompted to enter your user name. (Your student I.D. number.) Remember to use your full user name if logging in from home. (See above.)
- You will need to enter your password, which is the same password that you use to log-on to a school computer.
- When Class Link opens you will have access to several apps, including online textbooks and how to check your grades, but the main one you will use is Office 365.
- When you click on Office 365, you should see your user name. Click on this to get to the tools you will use most.