• Hello Incoming Leon Lions and families,


    Freshman Orientation Day will be Tuesday AUGUST 8th.  It is going to be a day filled with fun, food, Leon merchandise, and a complete tutorial on what it means to be a successful Leon Lion.


    To receive information about this event and other important Leon news, please make sure you complete the steps below:


    1. Subscribe to the Leon High School ListServ by going to the Leon High School Website: https://www.leonschools.net/leon and clicking on the ListServ Icon. Follow steps from there.
    2. Visit the school website regularly
    3. Make sure your contact information (email address and phone number) is accurate and up-to-date in FOCUS/Parent Portal


    Please see the details below and make plans to attend!


    What:      Freshman Orientation Day

    Where:    Leon High School

    When:     8:15am – 3:00pm on Tuesday, August 8th , 2023

    Who:      All incoming enrolled Freshmen for Leon High School

    Cost:       $20*  This fee includes: refreshments, lunch, materials, Leon drawstring bag, Leon t-shirt, other Leon gear, potential prizes, and a full day of fun!

    -Online Payment: The fee may be paid in advance by Checking/ACH account/credit card/debit card on the eFunds payment site. Starting July 3, go to the Leon High School Website, click on “Online Fee Payment,” find “Freshman Orientation Day with SGA,” and then submit payment. You can check out as a guest, but you still need to provide the student's last name & student ID#.

    -In Person/Day of Payment: We will accept cash or check only. Checks payable to Leon High School

    -Financial Hardship: If your family cannot afford this expense, please make plans for your student to attend anyway. You can indicate this on the RSVP.


    REGISTER HERE: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080B45ACA72FA13-freshman1 (Please go ahead and register NOW!!! Then pay later when the payment platform opens.)


    Basic Itinerary:

                    8:00am – 8:30am       Check-in

                    8:30am – 8:50am       Opening Ceremonies in Auditorium (parents and student together; please avoid bringing other siblings/persons as Auditorium has limited space)

            8:50am       Students released to cafeteria while parents remain in Auditorium for a brief meeting with administration. Students will be in Orientation for the

                   rest of the day. After parent meeting, parents will be released to exit the building until pick-up at 3pm.

                    9:00am – 3:00pm       FRESHMAN ORIENTATION DAY!

                    3:00pm                       Parents Pick-up students in the main parking lot


    *2023-2024 Course Schedules will be released August 1, 2023.

    *If you have questions about this event, please email our SGA Sponsor, Mr. Josh Stewart, stewartj@leonschools.net

    *This event is for incoming freshmen only. If you have a student new to Leon in grades 10-12, SGA students will provide informal tours at 9:00am on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. We encourage them to come at this time.


    Josh Stewart

    Student Government Association Sponsor

    Leon High School