• Apr 20, 2020


     Hi Everyone!

    I hope you are adjusting to remote learning.  The road is a little (or a lot) bumpy but we’ll get there.

    This week we’ll be getting more used to MS Teams as I’ve placed the first full weeks of assignments here.

    I’d like to give a great big thank you to everyone that called in on Thursday’s calls.  I have a little bit of tweaking to do, but we shouldn’t have any should have fewer problems this week.  This weeks’ call on Thursday will be just an audio call, so everybody can call in, regardless if you have internet access!  This is not mandatory. It’s a chance for you to ask me about the assignments/ reconnect with classmates.   I appreciated those of you who let me know you had a conflict with the call ahead of time.  Honors Biology will be at 11-11:30 am and Marine Science at Noon-12:30 pm this week.

    For Honors Biology: Your Learning Packet assignments for Weeks 3 & 4 are on the https://www.leonschools.net/leon website. It’s also on my calendar here. It’s also loaded it into Teams and FOCUS.  Please try not to send it to me in Remind.

    This is a super easy review along with some things that are new. There is a Scavenger Hunt too!

    For Marine Science: You will see the second Learning Packet assignments in my calendar here.  It’s also loaded it into Teams and FOCUS.  Please try not to send it to me in Remind.

    The Scavenger Hunt is in Teams for you to complete.

    This is a big reading homework packet.  Don’t print it out unless you must.  Instead plan to read it on your electronic devices.  If there are changes from this assignment, I’ll update you in Remind.

    Every weekday my “Office hours” are 9 – noon.  By this I mean, I'll be at a computer, available for all questions you may have. (I usually have FOCUS, Remind, MS Teams and E-mail open simultaneously!)

    If you are not on Remind, please get on Remind.  It seems to be the easiest way to reach you with updates.

    The front office has hard copies of the current 2 weeks packet available, should you need them.  Don’t Roll on by and pick one up curbside.  Instead just call the school front office to let them know you need one mailed to you.

    Please contact me with any questions.  I now have a Google number, should you need to call me.

    Thanks so very much!  Wear a facemask and stay well!

