- Leon High
- Algebra 2
Course Description:Building on their work with linear, quadratic, and exponential functions, students extend their repertoire of functions to include polynomial, rational, and radical functions. Students work closely with the expressions that define the functions, and continue to expand and hone their abilities to model situations and to solve equations, including solving quadratic equations over the set of complex numbers and solving exponential equations using the properties of logarithms.
Algebra 2 Notes
2.6 Transformations
A2 Notes 2.6 Transformations and Parent Functions.pptx 421.66 KB (Last Modified on September 7, 2017) -
3.2 Solving Systems by Substitution and Elimination
A2 Notes 3.2 Solving Systems with Substitution and Elimination.pptx 226.03 KB (Last Modified on September 25, 2017) -
4.2 a Standard Form
A2 Notes 4.2 a Standard form of Quadratic Equations.pptx 130.28 KB (Last Modified on October 19, 2017)
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Past Due Assignments
Pg 410 #21,24,26,27,32 find inverse, Domain, and Range of both
Date Due: 02/12/2019 Category: Textbook