Garrett, Pam
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Step-by-Step Instructions for Othello
This letter is the one I sent earlier on Remind. It gives step-by-step instructions on what to do.
Shakespeare and Othello Riveting PPT
Shakespeare and Othello PPT
This riveting Powerpoint will give you info about Shakespeare's life as well as info on the play.
Othello Questions & Essay Topics
Othello Questions 2020
Answer and submit to Turnitin by April 6, 2020. Answer completely. This will count as your test grade on Othello.
Essay Topics Othello 2020
Upload the essay to Turnitin by April 10, 2020. Make sure you have 2-3 quotes/text evidence in each body paragraph. No parenthetical citation/works cited necessary unless you use sources other than the play. Please give attribution in text (ex. -- In Act 2, Scene 2, Othello...) when referring to lines.
Video -- Plot Summary of Othello
This site has video summary/explanation of each scene in the play. I'd suggest watching at least the first 2 acts so you know what's going on in the play. Then watch an actual production/theatrical performance.