• 4th Quarter: Here we go! It's a new world out there.

    I am communicating to all my Classes through Remind.   Be sure you have activated your Remind account through Classlink.  If you want the messages on your phone too, See the text option for Remind for your class below. (Most have already done this, but some haven't.  I didn't get the word to 5th period well so many have not done this yet and new students may not be aware of this option.)
    If you have a computer or smart phone do the work through Focus. This is the preferred method - no need to come to school because everything is digital.  Here I break down the packet into daily assignments with Fillable PDF's which eliminate the need to print the documents.  I also will have some fillable Word documents which some might find easier.
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bBedG2LKkFBtijdIDcDpjupm965Zqaum/view is the video on how to download and upload files in Focus.
    If a student cannot access Focus, the work packets are posted on the Leon High website.  Once printed, the student can answer them and then scan or picture them to my email, coond. 
    The slowest method: Students can drop off their hardcopy answers at the drop box on the front porch of the school at other times. If you need to pick up a hard copy, you must call the school to prearrange another place and time to pick up the packets.
    My official office hours will be from 10am to 2pm when I will respond to email.  I tend to check Remind other times as well.  More info and options coming as I learn the technologies. If you have questions Remind or email me.
     The Sky is No Longer the Limit!
Wife Julie and Me in the Dominican Republic
The Sky is No Longer the Limit!