
      Every Day Matters - Attendance Awareness - Redmond Proficiency Academy  

      We look forward to seeing each student, each and every day. We understand that this isn't always possible. Please try to schedule vacations around our school calendar when possible. Please try to schedule appointments outside of the school day when possible. Regular attendance is a key factor in a child's academic success. Regular attendance is when a student attends more than 95% of the academic school year; this may include up to 8 absences in a 180-day school year. 

      The Florida Legislature finds the association with poor academic performance and nonattendance to be so important that each school district must take an active role in promoting attendance as a means of improving student performance. The state also finds that early interventions are the most effective way of producing good attendance habits that will lead to improved student learning and achievement.

      If students have to miss school, please be sure to submit an excuse note. If they are going to be out for an extended amount of time, with documentation, we can pre-excuse absences.  Reasons for excused absences  can be found here: https://go.boarddocs.com/fla/leon/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=APTNXH5D2


    Email fairviewattendance@leonschools.net  to request that an absence be excused. Please allow 72 hours for the excuse note to be entered before sending in another note. 
    Please include the following in the email:                                                                           

    • Student name
    • Dates/periods of absence
    • Grade
    • Reason for absence and a phone number
    • Absences must fall under the following to be excused:
      • Illness or medical care 
      • Appointments (must provide documentation from the medical or service provider)
      • Death/Bereavement in the family
      • Religious holiday (must fill out a religious holiday request form)
      • Financial and other special circumstances are insurmountable conditions. 
      • School-sponsored field trips
      • Pre-arranged absences for educational purposes 


    All students need permission from parents or guardians to sign out. The individual picking up the student must be listed as an emergency contact in FOCUS. 

    • To sign out and pick up your child, please report to the front office. Make sure you have your state-issued photo ID available to provide to the front office staff. 
    • To have the absence excused, follow the steps above.


    To ensure the safety of all students, we prefer that students be signed out in person. If there is an emergency and you have to sign out a student over the phone, please be prepared to verify your identity with the front office. Mr. Antwan Cole (colea@leonschools.net) can be your point of contact. Once we have validated your identity, we will call the student to the front office. The student will enter their Student ID number and be checked out of school. Once they are checked out, they must leave campus immediately. 

    My student was marked absent. What do I do?
    This means your student was not physically in class. The student should contact their teacher regarding makeup work via email or upon their return to school. If you think this was a mistake, please contact the teacher first, then contact the attendance office. 

    What do the attendance codes in FOCUS mean?
    A - Absent (Unexcused until excuse note is received)
    E - Excused Absence
    L - Late (arrived at class 10+ minutes after the tardy bell)
    P - Present
    R - Tardy Unexcused
    T - Tardy Excused
    V - Signed out Early (Excused Absence)
    Y - Signed out Early (Unexcused until excuse note is received)

    If students miss five or more days within a thirty-day period, attendance becomes a concern. If students miss fifteen or more days within a ninety-day period, they are considered truant. The Attendance Policy is listed here: https://www.leonschools.net/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=122108&dataid=194532&FileName=Elementary%20and%20Middle%20School%20Attendance%20Policy%2023-24.pdf

    If you have questions or concerns regarding attendance, please contact your assistant principal for attendance, Mr. Antwan Cole at colea@leonschools.net or (850) 488-6880.