Mu Alpha Theta

  • MAO




    Mu Alpha Theta is a prestigious mathematical honor society that develops team and leadership qualities. The purpose of the organization is to foster mathematical interest and talent as well as to develop lifelong friendships through spirited competition, teaching, and active learning.

    The Rickards Mu Alpha Theta team participates in math competitions throughout the nation. We are one of the premier math teams in the state of Florida. Over the last 2 years, the Rickards MAO team defied the odds to place 3rd and 4th in the entire state. Members of the math team are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA in their math classes, as well as to demonstrate dedication to the team by attending practices, fundraisers, and competitions, and providing service to the club by assisting with the Fall Invitational and tutoring peers. Additionally, a key part of their membership is their contribution to the Rickards Invitational. James S. Rickards prides itself in hosting the largest student-run math competition in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida with over 1,000 competitors across nearly 50 schools from the 3 states. The club's success and accolades as a competition team as well as the directing board of the Rickards Invitational make it one of the most prestigious organizations at the school. Please look below for the announcements and results from this year thus far.

MAO Announcements

  • Vestavia Hills High School Invitationals

    The kids did exceptionally well! We competed in two divisions, algebra 2 and comprehensive, and placed 2nd in both!!  We were beaten out by a national competitor, the Alabama School of Fine Arts. We also had SIX students get individual trophies. All of our students helped us be a success, so please congratulate them all 😊

    • Himank Chhaya – 9th in algebra 2
    • Donald English – 7th in algebra 2
    • Jonathon George – 5th in algebra 2
    • Vaneesha Sinha – 6th in comprehensive
    • Karthik Vedula – 1st in comprehensive (earned a PERFECT score!)
    • Eric Zeng – 10th in comprehensive



  • TBA
    Phone: 850-414-5500 Ext: 


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Last Modified on July 31, 2023