- Rickards High
- FAQs
What are the school hours for students?Supervision is available from 7:00am to 2:20pm each regularly scheduled school day — school hours are from 7:30am to 1:50pm.
What are the AP courses offered?We offer AP courses in Biology, Statistics, Language and Composition, Spanish, European History, Calculus, Statistics, and more!
What will the class size be like?The Florida Legislature determines the size of our classes. Currently, the core classes have no more than twenty-five (25) students per class.
What is the policy on makeup work due to student absences?The current Leon County Schools policy allows students two days for each day absent to submit work missed because of student absence. Students should check with each of their teachers to determine if there are any additional requirements for completing/submitting work missed as a direct result of absence from class.
What is the official mascot?The James S. Rickards High School is a Raider.
Does Rickards have an "after-school/tutoring" program?James S. Rickards High School offers after-school tutoring through the 21st Century. Students are encouraged to determine if their teachers have additional after-school help sessions.
How does this school view the role of parents? What are some examples of how you will socialize with staff, teachers, and parents as partners?Parents are an essential element in the educational process. School-based opportunities for parents include participating as classroom volunteers, serving as members of the School Advisory Council (SAC), and supporting students in extracurricular activities. Most importantly, parents can assist classroom teachers by simply maintaining an ongoing active interest in students' progress toward graduation.
What can you tell us about the school's ESE program?Exceptional Student Education (ESE) is not just for students who may have cognitive or developmental delays. It also includes students who require unique solution sets of individualized attention to help them take full advantage of their high school learning experiences. Our ESE teachers work with both full-time, self-contained classroom students as well as mainstream students who simply need additional support.
What does the dress code for students consist of?According to the Leon County Schools Student Code of Conduct handbook, the "principal shall make the final decision regarding appropriateness of dress by applying published school guidelines". Accordingly, Rickards has an established Dress Code which is available in the Student Resources section of our website. Further, please note that the dress code is discussed several times during the first two weeks of school in all classrooms and in general assemblies held on campus.
What foreign languages are offered?We currently offer Chinese, Spanish, Latin, and French.