- Rickards High
- Welcome
Loriston, P
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Virtual Open House Link: Zoom Link for Title I Meeting and Virtual Open House ---------> https://leonschools-net.zoom.us/j/81830347899
**Zoom Session opens: 5:00pm **Annual Title I meeting starts:-5:30pm
6:15pm Welcome to Virtual Open House------- You can use <this link> to find each of your students' teachers.
Petrus Loriston is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Open House
Time: Sep 20, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)By copying link below into your web browser you will be able to join the zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://leonschools-net.zoom.us/j/82767850233?pwd=THh4VTJFU3FWY3p0N21mci9wUXROZz09Meeting ID: 827 6785 0233
Passcode: 353715- 6:20-6:30pm First Period Transition (10 Minutes)
- 6:35-6:45pm Second Period Transition (10 Minutes)
- 6:50-7:00pm Third Period Transition (10 Minutes)
- 7:05-7:15pm Fourth Period Transition (10 Minutes)
- 7:20-7:30pm Fifth Period Transition (10 Minutes)
- 7:35-7:45pm Sixth Period Transition (10 Minutes)
- 7:50-8:00pm Seventh Period Transition (10 Minutes)
•Welcome ,Parent and students to my classroom webpage! I believe in the growth and development of all students, and I am very deciated to making this school year successful.
Overview: Learning Strategies is a class that supports students in maintaining satisfactory grades in the regular education setting. The course provides students the opportunity to get assistance to complete or finish incomplete assignments, accommodations (extended time), and promotes independent learning. It is the goal of the ESE department to encourage students’ strengths, independence, and growth.
Parent and Teacher communication is very important. Staying connected and working together is vital for students success. You can drictely reach me at Loristonp@leonschools.net or 850 414-5500 ext 1106 I will respond to emails and return phone call as soon as I can.
ESE Virtual Conference are held as scheduled
Students way of communication will be by Remind and Email
Students will need their LCS undername and password to access CANVAS
o FIVE ESSENTIAL PRACTICES FOR FAMILIES: https://leonschools.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/ESECurriculumSupports/SiteAssets/SitePages/Digital-Academy/Social%20Emotional%20Supports%20Covid.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=8jQfdp (Links to an external siteo LCS DIGITAL ACADEMY: https://leonschools.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/ESECurriculumSupports/SiteAssets/SitePages/Digital-Academy/Access%20parent%20letter%20Test.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=whYx8z (Links to an external site
o TIPS FOR SUPPORTING FAMILIES: https://leonschools.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/ESECurriculumSupports/Shared%20Documents/Distance%20Learning-%20Access-%20%20From%20our%20Friends%20at%20Everhart/Distance%20Learning%20Tips%20for%20Parents/Tips%20for%20Parents%20to%20support%20SWD%20Distance%20Learning.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=AhWR1Z