- Fairview Middle
- Future Falcons

Welcome Future Falcons!
The information on this page is geared toward our incoming 6th grade students. If you are an incoming 7th or 8th grade student, please check the elective information available on the 24-25 Elective Course Information page.
Curriculum Night
We are hosting a virtual curriculum night for our incoming 6th grade Falcons on March 28th. Mrs. Bell our APC, Ms. Thompson, our Magnet Coordinator, and Mr. Dombek our athletic director will be on to give you an overview of Fairview and answer your questions. The Zoom information can be found below.
Meeting ID: 849 9578 5140
Passcode: FalconsCourse Request Forms
Course Request Forms will be provided to elementary schools the week of March 25th. They will be due back to your students elementary school by April 5th. Course requests are NOT first come, first serve. Turning yours in first does NOT give you priority. Students who have been accepted into the Magnet Program will receive a Magnet Course Request Form.
At least one semester of PE each year of middle school is required. PE is automatically added to every student's schedule unless you fill out a PE Opt Out Form and turn it in with your course request form.
Elective Courses
Technology: Students will have a different focus each quarter. Students work to learn material and then take a certification test at the end of the quarter. Skills taught throughout the year may include: basic computing, word processing, presentation software, graphics editing, video editing, and game coding.
PE: Physical Education (PE) is designed to enhance students' physical, social, and emotional development. It includes a diverse range of activities like team sports, individual sports, and fitness exercises. Physical Education also educates students about the importance of leading an active lifestyle and maintaining overall health. Additionally, PE aims to cultivate skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and leadership, fostering a well-rounded educational experience. Students in PE are required to dress out into athletic clothes. Middle School Students are required to take one semester of PE each year. A PE waiver is included on the course request form for those who do not wish to take PE.
Art 1: Studio Art is designed to help students develop a better understanding of the Elements and Principles of Design. Students will develop a variety of skills and techniques. Our journey through class will explore many activities that will include: exploring art History, today's influences, hands on art production and understanding art processes. Students will focus on how to use tools, Basic Drawing Basics, Art of seeing, Elements and Principles of Design, art history, Art Criticism and Composition. Students will have exposure to many different art media, as well as opportunities to develop their own artistic style.
Chorus 1: This year-long course serves as an introduction and development space for choral-style singing and the necessary pre-requisite and requisite skills for choral ensemble performance. These skills include sight-reading, performing simple two- and three-part songs, and developing proper performance etiquette.
Band 1 (Beginning Band): This class is for students who are new to band. No prior musical experience required. At the beginning of the school year, we introduce the instruments and help students decide which one they will play. By the end of the year, students perform a full-length concert! At-home practice and regular playing tests are required. Parents rent their child's instrument from local music stores. Financial aid, and a limited number of school instruments, are available for families who need assistance.
Middle School Spanish: This class is an introduction into Spanish. It develops all language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing while introducing you to the culture and diversity of the Spanish-speaking world. You will learn to engage in meaningful conversations, read passages, short stories and authentic resources for comprehension. You will be able to produce your own short stories in present tense. You will be able to explain cultural topics.
Music Wheel: This course serves as an introduction into the arts with students spending a semester working with the Band and Chorus director. Students will focus on a variety of musical techniques using vocals, percussion instruments and various other aspects of music.
Arts & Technology Wheel: This course is an introduction into art and technology. Students in this course will spend a semester working on various art techniques and projects. For the technology component, students will complete a digital tools course and take a certification test to earn certification in a digital tools area.
Specialty Homerooms
Odyssey of the Mind: Odyssey of the Mind is an international organization that challenges students to work together to solve complex problems in a competitive format. In this homeroom class, students will form a team to take on a long-term creative critical thinking challenge. The organization provides the detailed requirements and students use their imagination to make it come to life! We can compete against other schools at the regional competition to see how well we think outside the box! Odyssey of the Mind Application
Orchestra Homeroom: Students who play a string instrument get direct instruction from a professor from FSU. Students learn to play different parts of pieces of music and then how to play those parts in unison with one another. This homeroom is for students who have previous experience playing string instruments.