- Fairview Middle
- Dress Code
The school’s dress code is designed to facilitate an environment where the school pursues its purpose of providing students an education based on academic excellence while ensuring safety, limiting distractions, and keeping the focus on learning. The cooperation of the student and the parent/guardian is necessary in maintaining the standards of the school’s dress code and dress code violations may result in appropriate disciplinary action. Coming to school each day with clothing in compliance with the dress code is a responsibility of both the student and the parent/guardian. The following information is intended to clarify the School Advisory Council approved FMS Dress Code and should be used as a guide.
Students MAY NOT wear head coverings including, but not limited to: caps, hats, hoods, Du-rags or scarves in the building (but may be permitted outside). Bandanas are prohibited for all students.
- Students MAY NOT wear clothing that is sexually suggestive or that features crude or vulgar messages; depicts drugs, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, violence, racial/ethnic clubs or gang affiliation in words, pictures or colors.
- All pants and shorts are to be worn at the waist level with a belt (if necessary), with NO undergarments or other shorts showing. (This is now state law).
- Dresses, skirts, shorts, etc., are to be of appropriate length (with arms extended at your side, clothing must be longer than fingertips), with a finished hem, worn at the waist with NO undergarments showing.
- Shirts must cover the chest, back and shoulders (no tank tops or spaghetti straps) and MAY NOT expose the midriff or bare sides including when arms are extended above the head.
- Students MAY NOT wear see-through clothing or spandex-type clothing without something underneath or over. This includes but is not limited to: tights, leggings, Jeggings as pants. In the event a secondary garment is worn over, the garment must be finger-tip length with the arms extended downward at one’s sides.
- Pajamas/sleepwear/bedroom clothes/clothing designed after sleepwear are prohibited.
- Clothing containing rips, cuts, tears, and holes are allowed as long as they are embroidered into the garment or there is fabric filling in any hole. Holes that reveal skin are only allowed below fingertip. Holes that reveal skin or undergarments above fingertip length are not allowed.
- Health-Related Facial Masks: Designs must not contain any derogatory images or profane language. Masks containing any bandana designs are prohibited
- Hoods are not permitted to be worn on campus
Examples of inappropriate clothing include bicycle racing attire, see through garments, halters, backless dresses, tube tops or tank tops, clothing not properly fastened, and bare midriff outfits.
- Clothing, jewelry, buttons or any other items with profanity or with symbols, pictures, patches, and/or signs, which are indecent, offensive, suggestive, drug and alcohol-related or associated with gangs are inappropriate. Clothing, identifying markings, or paraphernalia, which are racially or religiously offensive, including those associated with gangs, clubs, sects, or groups avowing or practicing discrimination against any person on the basis of age, ethnicity, handicapping, condition, religious, sex, or sexual orientation are inappropriate.
- Hair and grooming aids, including nail polish and make up, should not be used at school. Sunglasses must be removed in buildings.
The final decision on dress code will rest with the Administration. Students in violation of the dress code will be required to bring their dress into compliance, and repeat violators may face other disciplinary consequences.

*For any infraction so egregious that is deemed a disruption to the learning environment, the student will be removed from the classroom and escorted to ISS so that they can call a parent to be supplied with appropriate attire or to remain for the duration of the day in ISS.
Dress Code infractions are cumulative and are posted to FOCUS. Warnings do not have to be issued by the same teacher.
(Dress Code – If apparel is obscene or promotes illegal activities, drugs, discrimination, alcohol or tobacco products and/or exposes body parts- this results in immediate parent contact and a change of clothing, a referral is written and discipline INCLUDES the actions listed below).
1st Offense: (Warning) (Parent contact, documented in FOCUS). The student will need to be provided with a proper change of clothing to wear for the remainder of the school day. The student will be placed in OFI until proper clothing is obtained. *The school will attempt to provide an appropriate option. (If available) * All staff and faculty are responsible for ensuring that all students are in compliance with the FMS Dress Code. The faculty or staff members responsible for monitoring students arriving by bus in the morning will be request student with violation to report to the front office to call their parents.
2nd Offense: (Lunch Detention) (Parent contact, documented in FOCUS). The student will need to be provided with a proper change of clothing to wear for the remainder of the school day. The student will be placed in OFI until proper clothing is obtained.
3rd Offense: (1 day ISS) (Parent contacted, documented in FOCUS). (Office Referral written with list of infractions – not necessary if prior infractions were posted in FOCUS). The student will need to be provided with a proper change of clothing to wear for the remainder of the school day.
4th Offense: (2 days ISS) (Parent contacted, documented in FOCUS). (Office Referral written with list of infractions – not necessary if prior infractions were posted in FOCUS). The student will need to be provided with a proper change of clothing to wear for the remainder of the school day.
5th Offense: (1 day OSS) The parent will be notified and the student will be assigned Out of School Suspension (OSS). Continued violations of the dress code will result in suspension from school, with the number of days increasing with each offense.
This is not an all-inclusive list. Administrative discretion will apply in some cases.
This dress code is subject to revision and updating at any time throughout the school year at the discretion of administration.