
    STEAM 2025 is on the way! Please plan to attend STEAM Day on February 4, 2025! This is a parental engagement event for the entire family. It will be held on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 from 6-7:30pm.  


    On November 20th, we will have a Take Your Adult to School Day! This is an opportunity to spend some time in your child's classroom and see some of the fun things that are going on! Please check Focus and sign up to attend today! 


    Now that we are 4 weeks into the 2024-25 school year, let's get Back to the Basics!

    On Thursday, September 12th from 5:30-6:30pm, we will have teachers and administrators providing hands on guidance on how to use Focus to access grades, upload attendance documents and communicate with teachers; how to use Canvas to track assignments, remain up to date on projects, upcoming test dates and teacher updates; how to use Tide to view test scores and track assessment progress. Guidance Counselors will discuss the process for families to schedule conferences,  request academic and behavioral testing and services and referrals for additional services. Our Literacy Coach will be discussing testing requirements, scale scores and guidance on how to ace the upcoming assessment. Our current discipline plan and school-wide rules will be reviewed and we will have an open forum for students and families to ask questions and receive guidance on how to remain in compliance. 


    To help us better assist you, please complete our survey by using the QR code or the link 


    This is our first Title I Parental Engagement Event of the year and we look forward to seeing you all there! 



    Leon County Schools has scheduled Florida Heiken Vision to provide free screenings to include full eye exams for Leon County Title I students.  There will be eye exams and glasses available for students at no cost. Our Vision Screenings are scheduled for October 15-25, 2024. These appointments will be hosted at participating school sites . Registration ends September 27, 2024. 

    Please register at www.floridaheiken.org

    If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact Ms. LaToya Montgomery. 





    School Background Images ...

    Welcome to the 2024/2025 School Year! 

    We have a great year planned for both our students and parents, we can't wait to get started! Our first event will be scheduled on the same day as Open House. We will be reviewing our Parent Compact, Title I Plan and Parental Engagement Plan. All of these documents can be found on this page for your review. If you would like a copy printed, you can make a request and one will be provided for you in the front office. A hard copy is also available in the front office. 



    School Principal to Parents ...


    Orientation will be on Friday, August 9th, from 10-12:30pm. We can't wait to meet our new Falcons! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Virtual Admissions Open House ...

    Open House will be held on Thursday, September 5, 2024 from 6:00-7:30pm.  You will be able to follow your child's schedule and meet each of his/her teachers. Parent-Teacher conferences can be scheduled in the front office if you would like for your child's teachers to address individualized concerns. 


    School Advisory Council (SAC) / School Advisory Council (SAC)

    SAC (School Advisory Council) will be held on Thursday, September 5, 2024 from 5:15-6:00pm. At this meeting, we will review our school's assessment, discuss a plan to maintain our B status, review Title I information and our Parental Engagement Plans for the year. 



    basics (cut out) Stock Vector | Adobe Stock

    "Back to the Basics" our first official Parent Workshop for the 2024/2025 school year, will be held on Thursday, September 12th from 5:30-6:00pm.  This workshop is designed to assist families with logging into Canvas, Parent Portal, Planbook, Remind and Aktivate.  


    Title 1 Parental Engagement Survey 

    In an effort to meet your educational needs, we are seeking your input. Each year we create activities and events centered around things we feel families can benefit from or would like to participate in. It would be extremely helpful to us if you would share your input for student events and parental involvement activities for 2024/2025 school year. Please complete this survey by Friday, April 5th. I have included both a link and a QR code. Thank you so much for all that you do!
    School Advisory Council (SAC) / School Advisory Council (SAC)
    Please join us at our next on April 18, 2024 from 5:30-6:30pm to review our annual Parental Engagement Plan, Title I Plan and School Improvement Plan. We hope tyo see you there!

    No photo description available.

    Title 1 Parent Meeting- 8th Grade Promotion Requirements

    8th grade students who have failed one or more courses during the 23/24 school year will be given the opportunity to begin recovering courses next week. This opportunity will be student led. Students will be required to work on assignments on their own and will have the opportunity to take assessments during before school and during homeroom.

    Students and parents/guardians are expected to attend a mandatory meeting that will highlight Plato, expectations and requirements to remain active in registered courses. The meeting will be held on Zoom, Thursday, February 15,2024 from 6:30-7:00pm. All courses must be completed by May 14th.


    8th Grade Parent Night



    Our next School Advisory Council meeting will be held on February 15, 2024 from 5:30-6:00pm.  


    SAC | Silver Sands School



    Our next Parental Engagement Event will be held on February 1, 2024 from 5:30-7:30pm. We hoep to see you there!!



    School Advisory Council (Parent Council)

    Please join us at our next School Advisory Council Meeting on November 30, 2023 at 5:30pm in the Media Center.


    Upcoming SAC meetings: February 15th and April 18th. 


                        Title I – Title 1 – Nobel Middle School


    Parental Engagement Event 11/14/23 Parental Involvement 

    Our next Parental Engagement Event is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16th. We are inviting all parents and/or guardians to come and have lunch with their child(ren) and hear all about testing updates and data chats! Outside food is permitted. Committment forms will go home soon. To ensure that we can accommodate everyone who is interested, all parents must complete a commitment form in advance. On the day of the event, we ask that all parents sign in prior to the start of lunch. 6th grade 11:00-11:28am, 7th grade 11:54-12:22pm and 8th grade 12:40-1:08pm.We hope to see you all there!

    Please register in advance. Registration will end on November 9th.




    Title I Newsletter Title 1 Trimester 1 Newsletter | Mabton School District 

    Our quarterly Title I newsletter is out! Please take a moment to see all of the great things happening at Title I schools across the district. We are pleased to announce that Fairview Middle School is featured! Title I Quarterly Newsletter

    Back to the Basics!Back to Basics in Dementia Care – Are We Making it too Complicated? | 

    Our first Parental Engagement event was a huge success to all who attended! During this event, we showed families how to use Parent Portal and Canvas. The administrative team discussed  promotional requirements, the discipline plan, dress code, discipline interventions, Saturday school initiatives, after-school tutoring and the rules for success. Guidance shared how to schedule parent-teacher conferences, counseling services and academic advisement. 


    Annual Title I MeetingAnnual Title I Meeting 22-23 School Year – Miller Elementary School  

    Thank you for attending our annual Title I meeting! If you were unable to attend, the content will be posted here, on the Title I page for you to review at your leisure. We discussed the Parent Engagement Plan, goals, Title I budget and the Parent-Student Compact. We hope to see you at the next event!


    Title 1 - SurveyTake the FSD3 Title I Survey - Florence County School District Three 

    Be on the look out for the Title I Survey. The Leon County Schools’ Title I Office is administering the Family Engagement Survey for Fall 2023. The survey allows your school and our district’s Title I Office to understand the aspects of the parent/family and school relationship. Parents/guardians of students at your school should be given the opportunity to complete the Family Engagement Survey. The information gathered will be used to guide continual improvement within our Title I schools to better serve our students and their families.


    The Family Engagement Survey will be available online and by paper in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Swahili.  

    Paper surveys (see print-ready attachments) may be used for parents/guardians who are unable to access a computer or device with internet connection. The two-page survey should be printed front and back on a single sheet. Please make sure that all four corner markers and barcode are clearly visible after printing the surveys. Some printers may cut the bottom part of the document and make the survey unreadable. If completed on paper, the surveys can be collected and returned to the school’s Parent Liaison. The district’s Title I Office will coordinate with each school regarding the receipt of the paper surveys.