- Rickards High
- Community Involvement
- Mentor
- Mentor Facts
Mentor FactsThe Facts…A child who meets with a mentor once a week is:
- Less likely to try illegal drugs
- Less likely to experiment with alcohol
- Less likely to skip school
- Less likely to get into a fight
- More likely to succeed in school
What is Mentoring?
For Leon County Schools, it is spending up to one hour, with one child, once a week. Mentoring sessions take place on school property, during the school day.
Who can Mentor?Any adult who attends a formal mentor training and who is approved through the LCS criminal background check process can be a mentor.Who Qualifies?It doesn’t matter where you live or what you do for a living.All that matters is that you care enough to commit to one child, once a week.Did You Know?All state agencies and many local businesses allow up to one hour per week for mentoring. Ask about it!How can I become a Mentor?It is EASY!- Get Trained: Attend a two hour training session
- Get Fingerprinted: Leon County Schools offers free, inkless fingerprinting and criminal background checks for anyone who completes the mentor training and paperwork process.
- Get Matched: After your background check is approved, your school-based mentor coordinator will match you with a child.
Got Questions?
Call the Leon School Volunteer Program at 487-7800.