Become a Mentor Today!
A Leon County Schools Mentor can serve almost any age student from Kindergarten through Adult Education. After receiving training at the District Office or a school site, mentors work one-on-one with the same student for about one hour, once a week. Mentors can assist with academic assignments, check homework, help with test preparation, work on time management and goal-setting skills, check the student’s assignment list regularly, and tutor the student. If materials are required, they are provided by the teacher or the Mentor Coordinator at the school. Mentors also provide an additional caring adult for a student to look up to as a role model, and to be their friend.
What characteristics do I need to have to be a good mentor?
- Commitment … to come every week and see your assigned student
- Time … allocated in your schedule so you can keep your mentor appointments
- Patience … to wait for your student to improve
- Practice … be willing to practice academic skills with your student
- Encouragement … be willing to encourage your student when they need it
- Listen …