Title I FSA/EOC Saturday Academy

  • We at Rickards High School believe in student success and taking our school to a higher level. Therefore, we are implementing this year’s Saturday Camp earlier than usual.  If your child is currently enrolled in Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, US. History, and 9th/10th Grade ELA, he/she is offered the opportunity to attend our Title I FAS/EOC Saturday Academy.
    Algebra I:  This is a GRADUATION requirement.
    Geometry: This is 30% of your child's final grade.
    Biology: This is 30% of your child's final grade.
    US. History: This is 30% of your child's final grade.
    9th/10th Grade English Language Arts:  This is a GRADUATION requirement.
    These Saturday camps are designed to provide students with additional assistance for the upcoming FSA/EOC Exams. 

EOC/ELA Saturday Camp Resources


  • Ms. Satchell
    Title I FSA/EOC Saturday Academy Administrator
    Phone #: 850-414-5500 Ext: 1209
    Hours: 7:30 am - 1:00 PM