• Welcome students, parents and guardians. I hope you all are as excited and ready as I am to continue our learning journey through the study of U.S. and World History. I am confident that you will be engaged and challenged by the new learning opportunities that will be presented here over the next few weeks. Please read the overview below to find out how we will accomplish the goals of Distance Learning:

    This website is for Mr. Turkle's 6th grade World History class AND 8th grade U.S. History classes. World History and U.S. History classes work from different textbooks (6th grade book is green, 8th grade book is red) but both grade levels are working on the same textbook chapter at the same time. After LCS Learning Packets are completed (by Friday, April 10) each grade level will begin a one to two week study of Chapters 15 thru 18 in their respective at home textbooks as well as online lessons (See Class Calendar/Click on daily entry for 6th and 8th grades). Students may begin reading Chapters 15-18 in their at home textbook at any time. 

    • The daily chapter study (reading, vocab review, Self-Check quizzes and tests) plus Achieve 3000 (Articles, Activity and Thought Question submissions) will be conducted as usual with the main difference being when the student wishes to engage and complete each assignment. Mr. Turkle will follow students' progress using the digital textbook (MHconnectED) and Achieve 3000 online. Regardless of connectivity, every student will be able to complete all History assignments using either digital access or their traditional textbook at home. 


    • Completed assignments can be submitted in a variety of ways (See the Student Resources section of this website for a link to the LCS District guidelines regarding submissions). The Class Calendar section of this website contains the one to two week daily entries that reflect the study of Chapters 15-18 in both 6th grade World History and 8th grade U.S. History textbooks. The Assignments section of this website will be updated with additional lessons on an ongoing basis.


    • Students: I will let you know by OUTLOOK email, REMIND, and TEAMS messages which completed assignments need to be submitted (and how) for a grade. Also, you may check the Class Calendar for those assignments that will be graded. Achieve will be graded each week.   

    Please let me know if you have questions or need to discuss anything. You can email me anytime at turklet@leonschools.net or call Ft. Braden at 488-9374 and leave a message for me. I'll return your call or your email as soon as possible. I will have daily office hours from 2:00pm to 4:00pm during which time you can reach me directly by email at turklet@leonschools.net, or by calling 850-629-8374...We will also be using Office365/OutLook email and TEAMS and REMIND to communicate individually and as a classI look forward to all of us learning together...CALM AND STRONG!