Program Description

  • Juggling Pirates The SAIL Juggling Program exists to promote self-expression and encourage creativity.  Students will have the opportunity to form new friendships and develop skills that will last a lifetime.  In addition to conventional ball, club and ring juggling, students will be exposed to a plethora of props including but not limited to unicycle, cigar box manipulation, rolla bolla, ball spinning, contact juggling, card throwing, throw top, yo-yo, staff, poi, diabolo, hacky sack and kendama.  Additional lessons on prop building, routine development, movement, learning theory etc. will be integrated different semesters.  This class is one semester long but students are encouraged to continue involvement over multiple semesters and years.  A half PE credit is earned per semester.
    ~ Lao Alovus (Program Coordinator)

Check it out! (assorted juggly goodness)

Lao Buffet

Last Modified on August 2, 2022