- Ft. Braden PreK-8
- Social and Emotional Tools
Internet Resources
Daily Social Emotional Chats
This link will take you to a PowerPoint where you can walk through the PowerPoint daily with your student.
Printable Resources
Size of the Reaction
This tool helps the student to know how big their reaction is and they can compare it to the size of the problem to gage appropriateness.
Size of the Problem
This tool is to help student gage the size of the problems they have and looking at them helps them to know an appropriate reaction to the problem.
Zones of Regulation- what they look like
This is a file the students are used to seeing to gage where they are emotionally. Once they have identified where they are it is always our goal to get them back to the "green zone" where they are ready to learn!
Visual Schedule
You can open this document and edit it to be your at home daily schedule. This helps both adults and students stay on task and successfully meet expectations.