• Ft. Braden Atheletics Try-out Schedule


    Volleyball                      Tuesday, August 13 & Wednesday, August 14

              Students in grades 4 - 8 are eligible and will meet at 3:00 pm in the Gym.

    Cross Country                Wednesday, August 14 & Thursday, August 15

              Students in grades 4 - 8 are eligible and will meet at 3:00 pm in Room 205.

    Intramural Basketball   Tuesday, October 15

              Students in grades 4 - 8 are eligible and will meet at 3:00 in the gym.

    Boys Soccer                   Monday, October 7 & Wednesday, October 9

              Students in grades 6 - 8 are eligible and will meet at 3:00 pm in the Gym.

    Girls Soccer                   Tuesday, January, 7 & Wednesday, January 8

              Students in grades 6 - 8 are eligible and will meet at 3:00 pm in the Gym.

    Track & Field                 Monday, February 18 & Tuesday, February 19

              Students in grades 4 - 8 are eligible and will meet at 3:00 pm.

    Softball                          Tuesday, February 18 & Wednesday, February 19

              Students in grades 6 - 8 are eligible and will meet at 3:00 pm in the Gym.