• -(11/01)  Conley's Winter Food Drive.... now-Dec-13th.  Information page

    -(11/23)  A math test for chapter 7 will take place on Tuesday Dec. 10th   

    -(11/23)  A Science test on Chapter 6 will take place on Tuesday Dec. 17th 

    -(11/23)  A math test for chapter 8 will take place on Thursday Dec. 19th

    -(12/10) All late/missing work for this quarter is due by the end of the day, next Wednesday, the 18th.-(12/10) All late/missing work for this quarter is due by the end of the day, next Wednesday, the 18th.-------(12/11) Thanks to Ms. Morris from our Media Center team for providing us with this:

    Good morning! Attached you will find the video of our Conley Elementary School's 4-H Speech Contest. All of the contestants did a great job!

    4-H Speech Contest 12-11-2024.mp4


    -(12/03)  The fifth grade team is happy to announce a music performance on Friday, December 6, 2024, at 6PM in the cafeteria at J. Michael Conley Elementary School. Participation in this concert is optional but we have been hard at work preparing to spread our holiday cheer and we would love for your family to be a part of this fun event. Photography and video will be taken.  

    This is a holiday concert in the American tradition of an “ugly sweater party”. We encourage children (and families) to wear blue jeans and a seasonal sweater; the uglier, the better. If you do not have a seasonal sweater, please wear any Conley t-shirt or a top in school colors of blue or yellow.  

    Students may be dropped off at the Art or Music room at 5:45PM when the cafeteria doors open for the show. They will be released back to the classrooms for parent pick up after the concert to ensure their safety.  


     Bethany Bennitt

    Music Teacher

    -(11/23)(11/21)(11/15)-(10/16) A    NEW   form went home today about a music-focused field trip to Ruby Diamond Auditorium at FSU in December for families who have not returned it.  The trip is free and sponsored by a local group of retired teachers.  Please look for it.  For the 4 or 5 who have not responded, permission forms are due tomorrow (11/22).  The field trip is Friday Dec. 13th.

    -(11/16)We have a Math test on Thursday this week, 11/21.  Complete the review pages on 211-216 , show your work, have a parent signature on it and return it  By WENDESDAY for a bonus on the test.

    -(11/13)  BOOSTERTHON starts tomorrow!  You'll be getting daily emails from me about it.  You probably have already received one from the school about it (check your spam).  Here are some important items: 

    1. Sign up your student on mybooster.com by searching for our school. It’s open TODAY!


    1. Reach out to sponsors for donations. With mybooster.com's sharing features, reaching out to sponsors is easier than ever!


           3. Sign up to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0A4FA4A92CA2F94-53120566-2024 - All volunteers must be LCS approved (register at volunteers.leonschools.net) and for safety reasons no younger siblings will be permitted to join


    -(11/08) We will have a math test on chapter 5 on Wednesday (11/17) next week.   Complete the review section on pages 179-184, show your work & have a parent's signature on it and get 5 bonus points. Due Monday.

    -(11/1)  Science test  Chapter 5  on Friday 11/8

    -(10/24)  Math night is coming!  Mark your calendars.    Here is the informational flier.

    --(8/6) If you live near the school and want your child to walk home you'll need to fill out this "Walker Verification" form.  


    -(/8/8)  Here's a PDF of the Orientation Day PowerPoint we veiwed in class on Friday.


    -(8/8)  Here's a copy of the  field trip information shared with you during orientation.

    -(10/22) We will test chapter 4 in math on Tuesday the 29th.  Complete the chapter review on pages 141-146...  completed packs returned on Monday the 28th WITH a parent signature will recieve a bonus.

    -(10/22)  Halloween is coming up...  candy and snacks are not allowed in my class.  Please monitor your child's backpack and purses... candy will be collected and not returned.

    -(10/17)  I have attached a link to a Signup Genius for volunteers to sign up to help at the Book Fair on November 4-8. 


    10/24)  Conley Book Fair Home Page https://www.scholastic.com/bf/conleyelementaryschool8

    What is Book Fair eWallet?

    No more bills stuffed in backpacks! At the Scholastic Book Fair, kids shop without cash thanks to eWallet, a digital payment account for purchases at the Fair. Family and friends contribute funds. Then kids choose their own books. It’s convenient, simple, and secure.

    How does it work? 

    It starts on our school’s Book Fair homepage, https://www.scholastic.com/bf/conleyelementaryschool8.  A child’s family follows a link to create a free eWallet account. There are three ways to fund an account: Add money with a credit card, use funds from a previous eWallet, or invite friends and extended family to contribute. 

    Because funds are available immediately, a child can shop the Fair with eWallet right away. Families can use a leftover balance to fund an eWallet for a future Fair.

    -(10/12) We have a math test on Thursday...  Complete this review packet (pgs 113-118). Return it with a parent's signature and get 10 bonus points. 

    -(10/11)  Here's a copy of the Mission San Luis Field trip.  Here's a copy of the Blue Pop form.  

    -(10/7)  The end of quarter 1 is next Friday (the 18th).  All late work is due by end of business on Wednesday the 16th.

    -(10/29)(9/19)  A math test for chapter 2 is planned for Wednesday October 2nd Friday 9/27

    -(9/20) Skate world trip permission form went home.

    -(9/17)  Swift Creek Middle School Math department announces a Math Playdate on Oct 5th.   See the flier for information.

    -(9/12)  Last day to send in money for Wonderworks is Monday 9/16....  we need it by then to be able to set up busses and reservations.

    -(9/5) Here are the review  notes and answers from today's math period.

    -(9/5)  I sent home this flier concerning our end-of-year field trip.  Please note the due date for the return of it and the $25 fee is a little over a week from now on 9/15.

    -(9/5) I am planning to test chapter 1 of Science on Thursday 9/12 and chapter 1 of Math on Friday 9/13.

    -(8/22)  Open House:  Open house is Thursday, August 29th.   Pre-K through second grade will be from 5:30-6:15.   Third to fifth grade will be from 6:30 to 7:15.  I look forward to seeing you on open house night.  

    -(8/21)(8/18) Math test on Tuesday 8-27  covering chapter 12.

    -(8/17)  On Monday 8/24 & Wednesday 8/26 we will complete our FAST Math & Fast ELA period 1 progress monitoring.


    Turning in assignments: 

    Finished assignments will be collected in class the day after they are assigned.  We will collect them in class after we look through the assignment together.    If a student is absent, they can turn in their work on the next business day using our classroom late box.  If the assignment is late because they were absent, I will not count that against their score.  They will be instructed to write the word "absent" at the top of their page before turning it in. It is the student's responsibility to turn in his or her work if they are absent. 

    Taking Assignments Home:

    I understand that sometimes students need extra time to complete assignments.  Math assignments will rarely be more than 10-12 problems.  Science assignments will include lesson reading, online activities and question pages from the book.  We will generally have a 30-35 minute work time at the end of each block.  Any assigned classwork that is not completed before the end of the work day should be taken home and completed there.  

    Missing work: 

    I cannot grade work that is not turned in. If your student has not turned in their work, I cannot put an earned grade in the grade book. If they have a assignment missing, it will appear in the grade book as a Z (which is equal to a 0) until it is turned in. I only grade missing work once a week, so it could take up to a week for a late assignment to get updated in the FOCUS. If the missing assignment is an online assignment, the student should drop me a note telling me that they have completed that specific assignment. It can take up to a week to see a missing assignment show up in the grade book once it is turned in.

    (Late work is accepted, but there are 2 penalties that are associated with it.  The first penalty is lower test and quiz scores, which come as a result of opportunities to practice new skills being missed; teams practice for big games BEFORE the game... not after.  The second is a 10% reduction in score as a result of work being late.  One constant in life is that when you are late (bills, work, business dealings, relationships, cooking dinner...) there are natural consequences that must be dealt with.  One of our main goals this year is getting Junior ready to deal with 6 teachers, who will each have 150-180 students, next year. )

    (A reminder...  being absent does not remove the responsibility of completing work for the day on which your child is absent.  All work is listed on the class website.  A PDF of the work is linked on the website and all online assignments are able to be accessed from Junior's ClassLink account at home). It is your child's responsibility to get that work turned in when they return.  I afford them an additional 2-3 days to facilitate that happening should they need it.  After 2-3 days, a grade of 0 (Z) is put into the grade book.)


    Our classroom is a learning environment, and we try to make it as distraction-free as possible.  To that end, cellphones are to remain in a student's backpack from the time they are on school's grounds until they leave. If your child needs to call you, they will be able to do so on the classroom or main office phones. If you need to speak to your child, you should call the front office.  If a student is found with a cell phone, they will receive a verbal reminder of classroom expectations. If they are found with their cell phone again, the cell phone will be taken to the front office where you can retrieve it at the end of the day.  Because technology is constantly improving, any devices that can connect to your child's phone or act as a messaging device on their own are subject to the same expectations (eg. smart watches). 


    Gradebook will be found on FOCUS. If you do not have a parent portal log in, I highly encourage you to get one, but you can check your child's grade using their FOCUS account at home. The gradebook is broken into 4 different components. 50% for chapter/unit assessments, 30% assignments/classwork, 20% for quizzes. If you see a "Z" in the gradebook that means an assignment is missing. An "X" means that I have excused your student from an assignment. NG means that I have not graded that assignment yet.  I input daily assignment grades 2-3 times a week. 


    Quarter 1

    Math                                                Science

     pages 417-418                          pages 14-16.

      pages 423-424                                 pages 38-40.                                         

      page 429-430.                                 pages 56-58.

      pages 435-436.                                 (pages 80-84)      

       pages 9-10                                          pages 242-244;

      pages 11-12.                                     pages 98-100.

       pages 15-16                                  

       pages 17-18                                  

         pages 23-24                                  

       from 29-30.                                  

        pages 41-42.                                                                                      

         pages 43-44.                                                                                       

         pages 47-48                                               

          pages 49-50    

           pages 61-62.                                                                                                    

          pages 71-72                                                                                                         

         pages 85-86

            pages 91-92                              

            pages 93-94                                            

            pages 105-106                                               


     Previous weekly work list


    Week of 10/14   


    Monday:  Math –      We have a test on Thursday...  Complete this review packet (pgs 113-118). Return it with a parent's signature and get 10 bonus points.  Lesson 3-5 Rounding decimal numbers.  Here are the lesson pages.  Here is the MrMathBlog video and a Khan Academy video for the lesson.  Please complete pages 109-110.

    Science – Lesson 5-2 "How does matter change?"  The focus of this lesson is physical and chemical changes in matter.  Lesson vocabulary.  Lesson reading pages 249-259.   Today we'll work through the reading pages in class.

    Tuesday:  Math –      We'll check  pages 109-110 and do more problems from pages 111-112 in class.

    Science – Leon Writes! PM-1

    Wednesday:           All late work due by today  Math –      Review for chapter 3  

    Science – Lesson 5-2 "How does matter change?"  The focus of this lesson is physical and chemical changes in matter.  Lesson vocabulary.  Lesson reading pages 249-259.   Today we'll work through the reading pages in class.

    Thursday: Math –      Test for chapter 3

    Science – Lesson 5-2 "How does matter change?"  The focus of this lesson is physical and chemical changes in matter.  Lesson vocabulary.  Lesson reading pages 249-259.   Today you'll complete the work pages, pages 260-264.

    Friday:  END of 1st 9 WEEKS Math –       STEM Field trip to Skate World

    Science – Lesson 5-2 "How does matter change?"  The focus of this lesson is physical and chemical changes in matter.  Lesson vocabulary.  Lesson reading pages 249-259.   Check pages 260-264 and take our lesson quiz.


    Week of 10/7   


    Monday: Math –      Lesson 3-1  "Understanding Thousandths"  Lesson pages 83-84.  Lesson video.  Complete pages 85-86.   Complete pages 87-88 if you need more practice......

    Science –  Lesson 5-1 "What are solids, liquids and gasses?"  Today we'll discuss the first half of the lesson reading.  Focus is on Properties   of matter.  Here is the vocabulary for the lesson & the Lesson reading pages 231-241.  

    Tuesday: Math –    Lesson 3-2   "Read and write decimals to the Thousandths"   Lesson pages 89-90.  Lesson video.  Complete pages 91-92   

    Science –   Lesson 5-1 "What are solids, liquids and gasses?"  Today we'll discuss the second half of the lesson reading.  Focus is on Properties   of matter.  Here is the vocabulary for the lesson & the Lesson reading pages 231-241.  

    Wednesday: Math –      Lesson 3-2   "Read and write decimals to the Thousandths"   Lesson pages 89-90.   Lesson video.  Complete pages 93-94

    Science –   Lesson 5-1 "What are solids, liquids and gasses?"  Today we'll discuss the second half of the lesson reading.  Focus is on Properties   of matter.  Here is the vocabulary for the lesson & the Lesson reading pages 231-241.  Complete  pages 242-244

    Thursday: Math –     Lesson 3-4 "Comparing and ordering decimals"   Lesson pages are on pages 101-102.  The Work for today will be found on pages 103-104.  Here's a MrMathBlog video for the lesson.

    Science – Lesson 5-1 "What are solids, liquids and gasses?"  Today we'll check our work from pages 242-244 and take the lesson quiz. 

    Frisday: Math –      Lesson 3-4 "Comparing and ordering decimals"   Lesson pages are on pages 101-102.  The Work for today will be found on pages 105-106.  Here's a  Khan Academy video for the lesson (there are additional videos in the sidebar near the video window). Work through the digital lesson on ED-Learning today

    Science – Lesson 5-2 "How does matter change?"  The focus of this lesson is physical and chemical changes in matter.  Lesson vocabulary.  Lesson reading pages 249-259.   Complete the lesson reading over the next 2 days.  Today we'll cover the digital lesson in ed-learning.


    Week of 9/30

    Monday: Math –    Chapter 2 lesson 6  -Bar Models for Multi-step problems...  (Draw you plan)  Here are the lesson pages 69-70 . Complete pages 71-72

    Science – Lesson 2-3  "How does Technology Improve our lives?"  Here is the lesson reading (pages 89-97) and the lesson vocabulary.  Today we'll check our work and take the lesson quiz.

    Tuesday: Math –      Review chapter 2 with pages 75-80

    Science – Lesson 5-1 "What are Solids, Liquids and Gasses?"  Today we'll work through the Digital Lesson and introduce some concepts of matter.  Here is the vocabulary for the lesson.  Please do your lesson reading on pages 231-241.

    Wednesday: Math –   Test Chapter 2   

    Science –  Classroom demo and discussion.  Matter and volume.  Please do your lesson reading on pages 231-241.


    No  school:   Holiday

    Friday: Math –    Complete 2 digital lessons....  On I-Ready  -  Decimal Place Value parts 1 & 2...  (In teacher assigned lessons)

                                        1 digital lesson.....  On ED-Learning - "Read and Write decimals through the thousandths" (Found in your assignments list)

    Science –  Lesson 5-1 "What are solids, liquids and gasses?"  Today we'll complete pages 242-244; the Sum It UpBrainCheck.


    Week of 9/23

    Monday:  Math –   Chp 2 Lesson 4  Using Block Diagrams with Division...  Here are the lesson pages 57-58 and a video from MrMathBlog...  Complete select questions from pages 61-62.

    Science – Lesson 2-3  "How does Technology Improve our lives?"  Here is the lesson reading (pages 89-97) and the lesson vocabulary.  Today we'll dive deep into the reading from our lesson in class.  Please complete the lesson reading.

    Tuesday:  Math –  Chapter 2 lesson 5  -Bar Models used to represent multiplication and division... (simple algebraic expressions).  Here are the lesson pages 63-64 . Complete pages 65-66 (No Math assignment for block 2)

    Science –  Lesson 2-3  "How does Technology Improve our lives?"  Here is the lesson reading (pages 89-97) and the lesson vocabulary.  Today we'll complete the lesson questions on pages 98-100.

    Wednesday: (Pre-storm day)  Math- We'll complete the digital lesson for lesson 2-5- Modeling multiplication and division equations.  (It'll be in ED-Learning in your assignment list)

    Science-   We'll look a mini hurricane unit.  The material will be on BrainPop.

    Reading-   In the Savvas app.  Look for the story "Pedro's Journal"    Complete the reading and associated questions.


    Week of 09/16/24  


    Monday: Math –   Chp 2 Lesson 1  Divide with 2 Digit Divisors... Here are the lesson pages 39-40 and the lesson video...   Please complete select questions from pages 41-42.

    Science – Lesson 2-1 "What is the Design (engineering) Process?"  Here is the lesson reading (pgs 69-79) and the lesson vocabulary.  Today we'll look at the digital lesson in class. Please complete your lesson reading

    Tuesday: Math –    Chp 2 Lesson 1  Divide with 2 Digit Divisors... Here are the lesson pages 39-40 and the lesson video...  Please complete select questions from pages 43-44.

    Science – Lesson 2-1 "What is the Design (engineering) Process?"  Here is the lesson reading (pgs 69-79) and the lesson vocabulary.  Today we'll look at the reading in class and compare the design process to the scientific process.

    Wednesday: Math –    Chp 2 lesson 2  Interpreting the Remainder... Here are the lesson  pages 45-46 and a video from MrMathBlog...  Complete problems from pages 47-48

    Science –   Lesson 2-1 "What is the Design (engineering) Process?"  Here is the lesson reading (pgs 69-79) and the lesson vocabulary.  Today we'll complete the questions and answers in class (pages 80-84)

    Thursday: Math –  Chp 2 lesson 2  Interpreting the Remainder... Here are the lesson  pages 45-46 and a video from Khan Academy...  Complete pages from pages 49-50

    Science –  Lesson 2-1"What is the Design (engineering) Process?"  Here is the lesson reading (pgs 69-79) and the lesson vocabulary.  Today we'll check our work and take our lesson quiz.

    Friday: Math –   Chp 2 Lesson 4  Using Block Diagrams with Division...  Here are the lesson pages 57-58 and a video from MrMathBlog...   Complete select questions from pages 59-60.

    Science – Lesson 2-3  "How does Technology Improve our lives?"  Here is the lesson reading (pages 89-97) and the lesson vocabulary.  Today we'll look at the digital lesson in class.  Please complete the lesson reading.



    week of 9/9


    Monday:  Math –   Lesson 1-3  Using partial quotient division:  Here are the lesson pages.  Complete pages 23-24 selected questions.   Khan Academy video

    Science – Lesson 1-5 What are some tools scientists use?  Review reading pages  (pages 45-55) in class.  Complete pages 56-58.  

    Tuesday:  Math –   Lesson 1-4 Estimating in Division  Here are the lesson pages. N/A   Please complete select pages from 27-28.  Here's a video from MrMathBlog.

    Science – Lesson 1-5 What are some tools scientists use?  Review pages pages 56-58.    Take lesson quiz.

    Wednesday:  Math –    Lesson 1-4 Estimating in Division  Here are the lesson pages.   Please complete select pages from 29-30.  Here's a video from MrMathBlog.

    Science –   Chapter 1 Review  Pages 63-66  (In class)

    Thursday:  Math –  Chapter Review (Here are the review  notes and answers from today) (in class)  Pgs 31-36

    Science –  Chapter 1 test

    Friday:  Math –   Chapter 1 test 

    Science – (changed)  Digital lesson in ED-Learning...   (found in your assignments tab)  "What is the Design Process?"  Complete the digital lesson.


    Week of 09/02/24  


    Monday:  Holiday  Labor Day

    Tuesday:  Math –   Chapter 1 Lesson 1  Here are the lesson pages.    Please complete pages 11-12.    Here is a  video from MrMathblog.com for the lesson

    Science – Lesson 1-3 Types of Investigations:  Review reading from pages 25-37.  Work on pages 38-40.  

    Wednesday:  Math –    Lesson 1-2 Dividing with 2 digit divisors:  Here are the lesson pages.  Complete pages 15-16 selected questions  MrMath Blog Video

    Science –   Lesson 1-3 Types of Investigations:  Review work on pages 38-40.  Complete the quiz for lesson 1-3

    Thursday:  Math –  Lesson 1-2 Dividing with 2 digit divisors:  Here are the lesson pages.  Complete pages 17-18 selected questions  Khan Academy video

    Science –  Experiment in class:  Controlled experiment-Does temperature affect the rate of a reaction?  

    Friday:  Math –   Lesson 1-3  Using partial quotient division:    No assignment today for math          Here are the lesson pages.  Complete pages 21-22 selected questions.  MrMath Blog Video

    Science –  Lesson1-5  What are some tools scientists use?  Today we'll do the digital lesson in class( If you are absent...  I have assigned it for you to see in ED-Learning)Here is the lesson reading (pages 45-55).  Please complete the reading for the lesson.


    Week of 08/26/24  


    Monday: Math –  FAST Math Test Period 1  (no assignment today)

    Science – Beginning of the year Leon County grade 5 Science Assessment   (no assignment today)

    Tuesday: Math –  Chapter 12 Math test  (no assignment today)

    Science – Chapter 1 Lesson 3 "What are Types of Science Investigations?"  Complete the on-line digital lesson on ED-Learning  (in your assignment tab) .  Complete the lesson reading (Pages 25-37) over the next 2 nights.  

    Wednesday: Math –  FAST ELA Test Period 1  (no assignment today)

    Science – Beginning of the year Leon County grade 5 Science Assessment and finish of I-Ready diagnostic  (no assignment today)

    Thursday: Math –  Chapter 1 Lesson 1 .  Here are the lesson pages.   Please complete pages 9-10   Here's  a video from khan academy for this lesson.   

    Science – -  Lesson 1.3  What are 3 types of science investigations?  Today we will use the digital lesson in class to discuss the topic.  Complete the lesson reading (Pages 25-37). 

    Friday: Math –    We did not get to the assignment today...  pushing it to Tuesday Chapter 1 Lesson 1  Here are the lesson pages.    Please complete pages 11-12.    Here is a  video from MrMathblog.com for the lesson

    Science –  Lesson 1.3  What are 3 types of science investigations?  Today we will look at the lesson in our textbook.  (Pages 25-37)   


    Week of 08/26/24  


    Monday:Math –  FAST Math Test Period 1  (no assignment today)

    Science – Beginning of the year Leon County grade 5 Science Assessment   (no assignment today)

    Tuesday:Math –  Chapter 12 Math test  (no assignment today)

    Science – Chapter 1 Lesson 3 "What are Types of Science Investigations?"  Complete the on-line digital lesson on ED-Learning  (in your assignment tab) .  Complete the lesson reading (Pages 25-37) over the next 2 nights.  

    Wednesday:Math –  FAST ELA Test Period 1  (no assignment today)

    Science – Beginning of the year Leon County grade 5 Science Assessment and finish of I-Ready diagnostic  (no assignment today)

    Thursday:Math –  Chapter 1 Lesson 1 .  Here are the lesson pages.   Please complete pages 9-10   Here's  a video from khan academy for this lesson.   

    Science – -  Lesson 1.3  What are 3 types of science investigations?  Today we will use the digital lesson in class to discuss the topic.  Complete the lesson reading (Pages 25-37). 

    Friday:Math –  Chapter 1 Lesson 1  Here are the lesson pages.    Please complete pages 11-12.    Here is a  video from MrMathblog.com for the lesson

    Science –  Lesson 1.3  What are 3 types of science investigations?  Today we will look at the lesson in our textbook.  (Pages 25-37)   


    Week of 08/19/24  


    Monday:  Math –  Our focus today will be lesson 12-2; writing numeric expressions.      Here are the lesson pages from the text pg 421-422.  We’ll use an interactive video from ED-Learning then we’ll complete pages 423-424 (selected problems) in class.

    Science – I-Ready Diagnostic Part 1 (of 6)

    Tuesday:  Math –  Lesson 12-3 Evaluating Numeric Expressions.  The lesson pages are found on pages 427-428.  Please complete the selected questions on page 429-430.

    Science – I-Ready Diagnostic part 2

    Wednesday:  Math –  Lesson 12-4 Evaluate expressions with Parenthesis  The lesson pages are found on on pages 433-434.   Please complete the selected questions on  pages 435-436.

    Science – I-Ready Diagnostic part 3

    Thursday:  Math –  Lesson 12-4 Evaluate expressions with Parenthesis  The lesson pages are found on on pages 433-434.   Please complete the selected questions on  pages 435-436.

    Science – I-Ready Diagnostic part 4

    Friday:  Math –     Chapter review and Check work from lesson 12-4  pages 435-436.

      Chapter 12 Math test (Moving to Tues)

    Science – I-Ready Diagnostic part 5

    Week of 08/12/24  


    Monday:   Math – Our focus today will be a lesson on math theory and process.

    Science – This week we’ll discuss the main job of scientists.  We'll be doing lesson 1-1 today.  Our focus in class will be the Digital Lesson.  Over the next 2 days, please read pages 3-13 from our textbook.

    Tuesday:   Math – Our focus today and tomorrow will be lesson 12-1.  Here are the lesson pages from the text pg 415-416.  We’ll develop the rules for the different properties we use regularly in general math.  Then we’ll work on an interactive practice problem set together.

    Science – This week we’ll discuss the main job of scientists.  We'll be doing lesson 1-1 today.  Our focus in class will be the Digital Lesson.  By tomorrow morning, please read pages 3-13 from our textbook.

    Wednesday:   Math – Our focus today will again be lesson 12-1.  Here are the lesson pages from the text pg 415-416.  We’ll use an interactive video from ED-Learning then we’ll complete pages 417-418 (selected problems) in class.

    Science – This week we’ll be involved in lesson 1-1 today.  Our focus in class today will be to finish the Digital Lesson in class.  Today and tomorrow we’ll discuss the active reading (read pages 3-13) from earlier this week.  

    Thursday:   Math – Our focus today will be lesson 12-2; writing numeric expressions. Here are the lesson pages from the text pg 421-422We’ll practice writing expressions for word problems using different properties we developed in lesson 12-1.  Then we’ll work on an interactive practice problem set together.

    Science – This week we’ll be involved in lesson 1-1 today.  Our focus in class today will be to finish the Digital Lesson in class.  Today we’ll finish the active reading (read pages 3-13) from earlier this week and complete the BrainCheck and Sum it Up pages 14-16

    Friday:   Math –  (Moved from Thursday) Our focus today will be lesson 12-2; writing numeric expressions. Here are the lesson pages from the text pg 421-422.  We’ll practice writing expressions for word problems using different properties we developed in lesson 12-1.  Then we’ll work on an interactive practice problem set together.

    Science – Today we will review our BrainCheck and Sum it Up and take our lesson 1-1 Quiz.


    Quarter 2 


    pages 125-126.                                   pages 278-282.              

        pages  131-132.                                Pages 294-296                      

       pages  133-134.                                  pages 317-320.                  

      pages 137-138.                                     pages 334-338.          

      pages 151-152.                                      

       pages 157-158.                                                                                                                  

     pages 175-176. 

    pages 165-166.                        

       pages 163-164.                  

      pages 189-190.

      pages 195-196.                          

        pages 201-202                          

       pages 207-208.                                                     

         pages 221-222.                                                                                                                                                                                       

        pages 233-234                                

       pages 239-240.                            

       pages 241-242.

        pages 251-252.                            



     Previous weekly work list


    Week of 12/16          Chapter  6   Science test Tuesday        Math Chapter 8 test Thursday


    Monday:  Math –      Lesson 8-5  Add and Subtract Fractions with unlike Denominators-  The lesson pages are found on page 287-288.  Here is a MrMathBlog Video  for the lesson.  Complete pages 289-290.

    Science –   Review Chapter 6 for test tomorrow.  Look at pages 357-360

    Tuesday:  Math –      Lesson 8-5  Add and Subtract Fractions with unlike Denominators-  The lesson pages are found on page 287-288.  Here is a MrMathBlog Video  for the lesson.  Complete pages 291-292.

    Science –     Chapter 6 test.

    Wednesday:    Math –      Chapter 8 review  

    Science –    Lesson 7-1  What is an Electric Circuit?  Students will explore the ED-Learning-based digital lesson individually.

    Thursday:    Math –      Chapter 8 test

    Science –     Lesson 7-2  How do we use Electricity?  Here is the lesson vocabulary list.  The lesson reading is on pages 367-375. Today we'll read our lesson pages

    Friday:    Math –      Lesson 9-1  Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators.  Today we'll complete the digital lesson on ED-Learning.

    Science –    Lesson 7-2  How do we use Electricity?  Here is the lesson vocabulary list.  The lesson reading is on pages 367-375  We'll explore the digital lesson together today.


    Week of 12/09      Math test this Tuesday..


    Monday:   Math –      Chapter review for chapter 7.   (pgs 255-260)

    Science –   Lesson 6-5  How do we use Electricity?   Here is the lesson vocabulary list.  The lesson reading is found on pages 343-351.  Today we'll work through reading pages together.

    Tuesday:   Math –      Chapter 7 Math Test.

    Science –     Lesson 6-5  How do we use Electricity?   Here is the lesson vocabulary list.  The lesson reading is found on pages 343-351.   Today we'll work through the digital lesson on ED-Learning.

    Wednesday:    Math –     ( Block 2 only )Lesson 8-3  Estimating Fraction Sums & Differences-  The lesson pages are found on page 275-276.  Here is a MrMathBlog Video for the lesson.  Complete pages 279-280.   (Fraction number-lines PDF)

    Science –    Lesson 6-5  How do we use Electricity?   Here is the lesson vocabulary list.  The lesson reading is found on pages 343-351.  Today we'll work on pages 352-354.

    Thursday:    Math –    ( Block 1 only )Lesson 8-3  Estimating Fraction Sums & Differences-  The lesson pages are found on page 275-276.  Here is a MrMathBlog Video for the lesson.  Complete pages 279-280

                     ( Block 2 only)  Lesson 8-4  Rewrite Fractions with Common Denominators-  The lesson pages are found on page 281-282.  Here is a MrMathBlog Video for the lesson.  Complete pages 283-284.

    Science –     Lesson 6-5  How do we use Electricity?   Here is the lesson vocabulary list.  The lesson reading is found on pages 343-351.  Today we'll check pages 352-354.  We'll also take the lesson quiz.

    Friday:    Field Trip Ruby Diamond Auditorium...

    Math –          ( Block 1 only)  Lesson 8-4  Rewrite Fractions with Common Denominators-  The lesson pages are found on page 281-282.  Here is a MrMathBlog Video for the lesson.  Complete pages 283-284.


    Week of 12/02      Math Chapter review for Chp 7 due NEXT Monday (pgs 255-260)


    Monday:    Math –      Lesson 7-1  Understand Decimal Division Patterns.  Here are the lesson pages 219-220.  Here is a  MrMathBlog.com video for the lesson.  Please complete pages 221-222.   

    Science –   Lesson 6-3 What is electricity?  In this lesson we will look at what makes electricity go.  Please read the lesson pages 325-333.  Here is the vocabulary and main ideas for the lesson.  Today we'll go through the digital lesson together.

    Tuesday:   Math –      Lesson 7-3 Estimating Quotients.  The lesson pages are found on pages 231-232.  Here is a MrMathBlog Video for the lesson.  Complete pages 233-234

    Science –      Lesson 6-3 What is electricity?  In this lesson we will look at what makes electricity go.  Please read the lesson pages 325-333.  Here is the vocabulary and main ideas for the lesson. Today we will dive into the lesson reading.

      Wednesday:      Math –      Lesson 7-4 Dividing Decimals by whole numbers.  The lesson pages are found on pages 237-238.  Here is a MrMathBlog Video for the lesson.  Complete pages 239-240.

    Science –    Lesson 6-3 What is electricity?  In this lesson we will look at what makes electricity go.  Please read the lesson pages 325-333.  Here is the vocabulary and main ideas for the lesson. Today we will finish the lesson reading together.

    Thursday:      Math –      Lesson 7-4 Dividing Decimals by whole numbers.  The lesson pages are found on pages 237-238.   Here is a MrMathBlog Video for the lesson.  Complete pages 241-242.

    Science –     Lesson 6-3 What is electricity?  In this lesson we will look at what makes electricity go.  Please read the lesson pages 325-333.  Here is the vocabulary and main ideas for the lesson. Complete pages 334-338.

    Friday:    Math –      Lesson 7-6 Multi-Step problems with Decimals.  The lesson pages are found on pages 249-250.  Here is a MrMathBlog Video  for the lesson.  Complete pages 251-252.

    Science –    Lesson 6-3 What is electricity?  In this lesson we will look at what makes electricity go.  Please read the lesson pages 325-333.  Here is the vocabulary and main ideas for the lesson. Today we'll check  pages 334-338.   We'll also take the lesson quiz.

    Week of 11/18   Math test chapter 6  Thursday 11/21


    Monday:  Math –      Lesson 6-3 Multiply decimals- 0s in the product-  Here are the lesson pages 199-200.  Here is a Khan academy video for the lesson.  Please complete pages 201-202

    Science –  Lesson 6-1 What is energy?  In this lesson we look at the different forms of energy.  Please read the lesson pages 305-317.  I would print out this vocabulary and key point sheet  for the lesson.  Today we will dive into the lesson reading for a second day.  

    Tuesday:   Math –      Lesson 6-4 Multiply decimals using properties.   Here are the lesson pages 205-206.  Here is a YouTube video for the lesson.  Please complete pages 207-208.

    Science – Lesson 6-1 What is energy?  In this lesson we look at the different forms of energy.  Please read the lesson pages 305-317.  I would print out this vocabulary and key point sheet  for the lesson.  Today we will dive into the lesson reading for a third day.     

    Wednesday:    Math –      Check the work from    pages 207-208.    And  we will work through our chapter review pages 211-216.

    Science – Lesson 6-1 What is energy?  In this lesson we look at the different forms of energy.  Please read the lesson pages 305-317.  I would print out this vocabulary and key point sheet  for the lesson.  Today I want you to complete pages 318-320.

    Thursday:    Math –      Chapter 6 test

    Science – Lesson 6-1 What is energy?  In this lesson we look at the different forms of energy.  Please read the lesson pages 305-317.  I would print out this vocabulary and key point sheet  for the lesson.  Today we will check pages 317-320 and take our lesson quiz.   

    Friday:  Math –      Lesson 7-1  Understand Decimal Division Patterns.  Here are the lesson pages 219-220.  Here is a  MrMathBlog.com video for the lesson.  Please complete pages 221-222.   Fun Run Today...

    Science – Lesson 6-3 What is electricity?  In this lesson we will look at what makes electricity go.  Please read the lesson pages 325-333.  Here is the vocabulary and main ideas for the lesson.  Today we'll go through the digital lesson together.

    Week of 11/11


    Math test chapter 5 Wednesday 11/13



    No school today  Veterans' Day 

    Tuesday:  Math –      We'll check our work from Friday on Lesson 5-5 about money and do our discussion the review section on pages 179-184, for our test tomorrow

    Science – Lesson 6-1 What is energy?  In this lesson we look at the different forms of energy.  Please read the lesson pages 305-317.  I would print out this vocabulary and key point sheet  for the lesson.  Today we will use our digital lesson to explore the multitude of vocabulary.

    Wednesday:    Math –      Chapter 5 test

    Science – Lesson 6-1 What is energy?  In this lesson we look at the different forms of energy.  Please read the lesson pages 305-317.  I would print out this vocabulary and key point sheet  for the lesson.  Today you will complete your Digital Lesson on ED-Learning. 

    Thursday:    Math –      Lesson 6-1  Multiply 2 decimal numbers (focusing on modeling).  Here's the lesson pages 187-188.   Here's a video from MrMathBlog.com.  Complete pages 189-190.

    Science –  Lesson 6-1 What is energy?  In this lesson we look at the different forms of energy.  Please read the lesson pages 305-317.  I would print out this vocabulary and key point sheet  for the lesson.  Today we will create a chart that categorizes the forms of energy we will explore.

    Friday:  Math –      Lesson 6-2  Multiplying decimals (focusing on the traditional algorithm).  Here are the lesson pages 193-194.  Here's a video from MrMathBlog.com.  Complete pages 195-196.

    Science –  Lesson 6-1 What is energy?  In this lesson we look at the different forms of energy.  Please read the lesson pages 305-317.  I would print out this vocabulary and key point sheet  for the lesson.  Today we will dive into the lesson reading.     


    Week of 11/4


    Monday: Math –       Lesson 5-3  Multiply with decimals and whole numbers-  Lesson pages on pages 161-162.  Lesson video from MrMathBlog.com.  Complete pages 163-164.  

    Science –       Complete Lesson questions in class lesson 5-6 Pages 294-296

    Tuesday: Math –      Day 2 Lesson 5-3  Multiply with decimals and whole numbers-  Lesson pages on pages 161-162.  Lesson video From Khan academy  .  Complete pages 165-166.

    Science –       Lesson quiz For Lesson 5-4  What is the Atomic Theory?   Complete the lesson review from  pgs 299-302

    Wednesday:    Math –      Today we'll do an I-Ready lesson on Multiplying Decimals and Whole numbers.  It will be in the TEACHER ASSIGNED list.

    Science –       Ms Potts will teach an inquiry lesson 5-5.  How can you affect the rate of dissolving?  Complete the lesson review from  pgs 299-302

    Thursday:    Field trip day to Mission San Luis  

    Math –     N/A

    Science –       Science Review-     Chapter 5 pgs 299-302

    Friday:                        Math –      Lesson 5-5 Multiplying Money.  Here are the lesson pages 173-174.  Here is a lesson video from Khan Academy.   Complete pages 175-176.

    Science –       Science Test-     Chapter 5




    Math –      Today we'll check pages 137-138. and review chapter 4 pages 141-146.. in class.

    Science – What are Mixtures and Solutions- Lesson 5-4  Here is the lesson vocabulary.  Here are the reading pages (269-277). Today we'll complete the lesson work in class, pages 278-282.  

    Tuesday:   Math –      Chapter 4 test

    Science –  What are Mixtures and Solutions - Lesson 5-4 Check  pages 278-282 and take lesson quiz.

    Wednesday:    Math –      N/A moved to Thursday

    Science –   Lesson 5-5  What is the Atomic Theory?  Here is the vocabulary list.  Here is the lesson reading selection pages 287-293.  Today we'll explore the digital lesson on ED-Learning.

    Thursday:Math –      Lesson 5-1 Decimal multiplication patterns.  Lesson pages on pages 149-150.  Lesson video from MrMathBlog.com.  Complete pages 151-152.

    Science – Lesson 5-5  What is the Atomic Theory?  Here is the vocabulary list.  Here is the lesson reading selection pages 287-293.  Today we'll look at the the 3 main parts of an atom and the shape an atom takes.  

    Friday:  Math –     Lesson 5-2  Represent multiplication with decimals (modeling)-  Lesson pages on  pages 155-156.  Lesson video from MrMathBlog.com.  Complete pages 157-158.

    Science – Lesson 5-5  What is the Atomic Theory?  Here is the vocabulary list.  Here is the lesson reading selection pages 287-293.  Today we'll look closely ath the reading together in class.



    Week of 10/21 


    Monday:  Math –      NO SCHOOL  Teacher planning day

    Tuesday:  Math –      Lesson 4-1  Patterns with Decimals. Here is a lesson video from  MrMathBlog.com  Here is the lesson pages.  Please complete pages 125-126.

    Science – What are Mixtures and Solutions- Lesson 5-4  Here is the lesson vocabulary.  Here are the reading pages (269-277). Today we'll complete the digital lesson on ED-Learning.

    Wednesday:        Math –      Lesson 4-2  Adding and Subtracting Through 1/1000s. Here is a lesson video from  MrMathBlog.com  Today we'll focus on ADDING.  Here is the lesson pages.  Please complete #s 6,8,9,12,13,15,&17  pages  131-132.

    Science – What are Mixtures and Solutions- Lesson 5-4  Here is the lesson vocabulary.  Here are the reading pages (269-277). Today we'll complete the lesson reading and take notes on the lesson in class.

    Thursday:  Math –      Lesson 4-2  Adding and Subtracting Through 1/1000s. Here is a  lesson video from  MrMathBlog.com  Today we'll focus on SUBTRACTING.  Here is the lesson pages.   Please complete #s 23, 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35 & 36  pages  133-134.

    Science –  What are Mixtures and Solutions- Lesson 5-4  Here is the lesson vocabulary.  Here are the reading pages (269-277). Today we'll do a temperature and gas demonstration using dry ice. 


    Math –       Lesson 4-3  Adding and Subtracting Money. Here is a lesson video from  MrMathBlog.com  Here is the lesson pages.  Please complete pages 137-138.





Last Modified on December 23, 2024